Subject: LOTTO-TIPS #203--Friend, While You Sat Round, 1,342 Silverites Have...

IMPORTANT: I'm giving away the golden goose! Each of these Lotto-Tips newsletters announces a lucky Free Draw winner for my Honest Lotto System. Or if you've bought it already, then you get your money returned! Keep reading...

Hi Friend,

Ken here again...

Today's tip contains none of the namby-pamby waffling I'm prone to.

No pleasantries... no happy thoughts... no Mr Nice Guy!

I'm going to give you some hard-hitting facts that will rock your boat.

And it's this...

In the last week while you were goofing around, eating, watching tv, fixing your car, having fun with your kids, enjoying the spring weather, sewing buttons on your clothes... some 1,342 Honest Lotto System owners - Silverites as they are known - have won prizes of some kind. Including me ($132.00).

That's a bucketful of winners, ain't it?

How did I come up with this figure? I'll tell you shortly.

But first, I want you to realize the implications of this.

What have these winners done that YOU haven't yet?

I'll tell you right now... they:

1. Took action.
2. Took more action.
3. Took yet further action.

What's the common word in these commands?

No - not "took"... but ACTION.

-When I dangled an exciting offer under their noses, they bought it.
-When I said they were lazy, they got motivated.
-When I said stop reading and buy tickets, they went out and did it.

In other words, they were ACTION-TAKERS.

Nothing happens without action. You wouldn't be reading this newsletter, for example, if...

Haven't bought my Honest Lotto System yet?
Look what others have won in the last few months
(genuine testimonials on file):

- $537,396.59 win by Maher M... the biggest yet.
- $175,000.00 miss by Larry... sadly an accident
stopped him from buying his winning tickets.
- $100,000.00 win by Ron B.
- $70,634.60.00 on the Canada 6/49 by Murray B.
- Numerous smaller wins of up to $5,000.00 by
many Silverites (buyers of my system)

If you buy today you may get A Huge 30% Discount,
(see order link to see how much) my Trippple Pledge
Guarantee, and $150 Numbers Workshop Bonus.
Go here now to be ready for this Saturday's game:

...I had decided to stay in my comfortable bed this morning.

OK, how did I figure out that 1,342 Silverites have won something in the last week?

Especially when I know that many of you often forget to take ACTION and play?

This way.

I counted up the number of emails I get telling me about their wins. Like Michael here yesterday:

> Ken:
> Hello, ...I bought your product some time back please read below.
> I do play Power ball 1-55 white ball 1-42 red and lotto 1-44
> and show me 5 1-44 I spend 20.00 a month some times more or less, and
> I do win using your system.
> I've won: 400.00 ,300.00 , 75.00 , 50.00 , 10.00 , 5.00 , 3.00 Not
> just once but many times. believe me the winnings sure help me to keep
> playing and to add a little bit more to my S.S. check every month.
> I put 1/2 back in to playing and the other half in my pocket.
> In 2005 I won every week for Four months On powerball.
> My Tickets Grew to 23 Playing During the Four months, until they all
> played out. It was a great feeling.
> Really its not about how much I won as it is YOUR SYSTEM WORKS..
> Some day I may win the big one.
> Thank you Michael A.

Michael's wins are typical of the emails I get every day.

So I added these success stories up over a 12 month period, multiplied in a probability factor based on the number of buyers over that time, figured that only a certain percentage play a week, and bingo - up came the figure of 1,342 winners.

It's actually approximate, but I personally think that's quite low.

You see, many people who win free tickets, or $10 or $20 - even $500 prizes - don't bother to tell me of their success. So there are most likely many more.

Will you be one of them?

OK, what's the word for today? Yep, ACTION.

Take Action Now!


There's just a FEW MINUTES left before my special low price $19 offer for the Free Lotto Book runs out, at midnight (USA) tonight. Then you have to pay $10 more!

And need I mention my stupid offer at It turns into a pumpkin at midnight also.

WINNER: The winner of this issue's free draw for an Honest Lotto System was cc****** Their win also allowed them to be an Honest Lotto System affiliate (Available only to buyers). Congratulations!

If you think this article will be useful to your friends, or you know someone who would benefit with the information here, send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field. (And don't worry, they won't get anything from me - they have to sign up for that).

I guarantee they'll thank you for it--especially if they buy my system and win!

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners"
Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991
Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!)

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