Subject: LOTTO-TIPS #190--Friend, 10 Fast Ways To Get Lotto Play Money

Friend, you requested this sometimes-daily newsletter at

Got a question? Don't email this address... go to first to get my email details and many answers.

IMPORTANT: Each Lotto-Tips newsletter announces a lucky Free Draw winner for my system. Or if you've bought it already then you get your money returned!

Haven't bought my Honest Lotto System yet?
Look what others have won in the last few months:

- $537,396.59 win by Maher M... the biggest yet.
- $175,000.00 miss by Larry... sadly an accident
stopped him from buying his winning tickets.
- $100,000.00 win by Ron B.
- $70,634.60.00 on the Canada 6/49 by Murray B.
- Numerous smaller wins of up to $5,000.00 by
many Silverites (buyers of my system)

If you buy today you may get A Huge 30% Discount,
(see order link to see how much) my Trippple Pledge
Guarantee, and $150 Numbers Workshop Bonus.
Go here now to be ready for this Saturday's game:

Hi Friend,

Ken here again...

A lot of people don't buy my Honest Lotto System.

So a few months back I decided to do a survey and ask why. The answer was not surprising.

Most of them didn't have any money.

Some of these folks wrote and asked me to give them my program, and told me they would pay for it out of the winnings. I would write back and tell them that if they couldn't afford to buy my program, they couldn't afford to play it.

That's a fact... if you can't afford the tiny purchase price - the price of a few hamburgers - then you won't be able to play the few lines a week that the system requires.

But it made me think that there are a bunch of folk out there who cannot get started, and that's a shame.

So I did some research and came up with 10 legal ways you can quickly get money to play your Lotto game. But a word of caution first... don't get yourself in over your head. Stay responsible. Always consider your Lotto play money as spare cash that you can do without if necessary.

1) Increase your credit card limits. Make sure it stays within your repayment budget.
2) Get another credit card. Ditto.
3) Start a part-time business: teach a musical instrument, baby-sit, trimmed trees, offered to walk dogs, stuff a delivery service for businesses in your area, repair stuff, make room decorations, visit garage sales and buy stuff then sell it in your own garage sale.
4) Search for unclaimed funds. You may be owed money by the government if you've moved in the last 15 years, changed jobs, been married or divorced, had a deceased relative, paid taxes, or purchased stocks or bonds. One out of 10 people is owed money, but you have to ask. Check your government resources.
5) Get skilled in poker and play locally.
6) Exchange or barter goods or services. If you have a talent, skill or craft, you could swap it with something else that you can sell more easily.
7) Miss an overpayment. If you have been paying ahead of time with your utilities, rent, life-insurance, credit cards etc, miss a payment and take the money. Make sure you advise them first.
8) Apply for an education grant. Millions of dollars of free education grants are not given out because people don't apply for them!
9) Reduce your tax withholdings. Sure, it's nice to get a big refund at the end of year, but you could be using that extra money during the year. Arrange your repayments to adjust it.
10) Sell the Honest Lotto System as an affiliate. You get up to US$20 with each sale, and all you have to do is sign up after you've bought my system (

So there's a few ideas for you. Get going, increase your tickets on Saturday, and maybe you'll be the Big Winner we are all talking about next week.

And here's a saving tip - both my Honest Lotto System and the Winner's Circle are presently at the lowest price point they will ever reach. They will not get any cheaper. So if you have been waiting for the price to go down for any reason, don't wait any longer.

Get the Honest Lotto System here:

And don't forget you must have the Honest Lotto System in order to use Lotto-80:

You can buy the Winner's Circle anytime however, with or without the Honest Lotto System: And the next Group is almost sold out... be quick.

WINNER: The winner of this issue's free draw for an Honest Lotto System was bigg******* Their win also allowed them to be an Honest Lotto System affiliate (Available only to buyers). Congratulations!

If you think this article will be useful to your friends, or you know someone who would benefit with the information here, send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field. (And don't worry, they won't get anything from me - they have to sign up for that).
They'll thank you for it--especially if they buy my system and win!

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners"
Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991
Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!)

Contact me by email here:
