Subject: LOTTO-TIPS #15--Friend, how to climb the win ladder

Welcome! You signed up as Mandatory remove-me instructions down below. ------------------- Hi Friend, Do you want to see my post office box? For those who send me payment by mail--and anyone else interested--I've put up a web page picture of my post office mailbox in Khandallah to show you where your mail ends up. The photo even shows my keys hanging from the door. Wow! So if you get excited about seeing a mail box in another country (and after all, who wouldn't be!) go here now, and get a glimpse of my village too for your trouble: Of course, you realise too I live in the same city as "Lord of the Rings" director and Oscar winner Peter Jackson? (Not boasting here--much!) OTHER L0TT0 SYSTEMS I'm sometimes asked if I study other Lotto systems. The answer is no, and I'll tell you why... and why you shouldn't either. (Yes, I'm a bit bossy at times!) Because it's all so confusing. One system claims to have the Complete Answer, another gives another way to 'Win Heaven.' You probably look from one to another in exasperation, wondering, "which one is actually right?" I've looked at some other systems briefly, but only bought one other system in my lotto life. A big seller, a popular system. And it's still sitting on my bookshelf, mainly unread. That's because when I flipped through it, I couldn’t understand the logic behind it. It didn't make any sense, based on what I believe and know actually works. And it was horrendously complex. Now, you'll say that I would tell you this anyway to sell more of my own manuals. But the truth is - I don't really care whether you buy my Honest Lotto System or not. As I've mentioned before on my website, I'm more concerned about sleeping happy each night knowing that my special circle of buyers are understanding my unique system and winning from it. So why are other systems so poor in my view? Well, most claim to get you the winning numbers. Big mistake. I don't--never have. No-one can predict wins. The only way to win in a game of chance is to remove as many of the losing numbers as humanly possible, and keep on playing and persisting until you get your Big Win. It happens eventually. That's the secret of the Honest Lotto System in a nutshell, and why it's so different to every other crazy and complicated system out there. After all, you only need one major win to change your entire life. It makes sense to set your mind... focus on that one win- and don't let anything else get in the way! So I'm telling you to throw away your other systems, ignore all the hype, and settle down with me and the Honest Lotto System: After all, who else sends you interesting newsletters with mailbox pix like I do! SMALL W1NNERS Before you think that most Honest Lotto System players only win small amounts, go to the testimonial page at: and refresh your memory for the many big winners we have. But the beauty of my system is that you can also be winning smaller amounts too while you stand in line for the Big Win. Here's a good recent example: ---- Hi Ken, ...I won a couple of times like $20 here and $20 there and once not long after I bought your system I won $670! Since then again $20 here and $20 there. Frans D.W. (address supplied) ---- Frans has found the answer. Persistence pays off in the end! THE W1N LADDER Want to win lotto quick? Who doesn't! Here's how to understand it: Imagine a lotto game as a huge ladder stretching into the sky. The prizes are at the top of the ladder, and you're standing at the foot, maybe in a puddle of mud. :-( If you're an amateur player without a system, you probably won't spend more than $2-$5 each time on lotto. That generally won't get you past the bottom rung, statistically speaking. But the same dollar amount used with the Honest Lotto System will help you get maybe half the way up the ladder. That's quite good isn't it? But that still leaves half of the way to go. How can we close that gap to get higher up the ladder? You could pay a bit more - say $20 a game, and use the Honest Lotto System as well. Now you're getting closer to the top, maybe just a handful of rungs to go. Getting the idea? Let's keep exploring using the Honest Lotto System: - If you play small dollar amounts frequently, step up a couple more rungs. - If you play the full Honest Lotto System but only occasionally, climb a couple rungs more. - If you play the full Honest Lotto System once a week or more, go to the rung underneath the top and sit there. Keep playing until luck and time brings you your deserved Big Win. What if you did all this - but still didn't get a sizable win--or get it quickly enough? Well, the Honest Lotto System can hoist you up to the top rung, but the last step is still down to luck and patience. I've got to be honest about it... you may sit up there for a while. Or, like some of my luckier players, you might strike a win straight away. There's still an element of chance involved. But you'll never get that close without the help of my Honest Lotto System. I'm looking forward to sharing your success at the top of the ladder this Saturday like Andy here: --- Hello Ken Just wanted to let you know that I reinvested my £54 from Wednesday night's winnings into tonights UK Lottery draw (an extra 24 lines) and won on 2 lines. One four number prize £67 and one three number prize £10 = total £77. Once again Ken, thank you. Excellent book and a whole lot of fun with it as well. Andy (name and address supplied) --- See you at the top! Warm regards, Ken Silver "Helping Lotto Players Become Winners" Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991 Buy my top-selling Lotto System. Check out my amazing 80.3% winning success rate here: See real people winning with the Honest Lotto System Earn US$20 each time someone buys my Honest Lotto System. (Ka-ching! Another sale while you snooze or go on vacation!) Discover & play the top Free Online Lotteries. You'll only find them with this Guide: Join the Club. My exclusive Club Membership lets you build huge autopilot Residual Riches: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ INSTANT HELP ~Do you need numbers or information for a Lotto game not included in your manual? ~For problems with your PDF files or password: ~To see the Honest Lotto System FAQ: ~How much does it cost in another currency?