Subject: LOTTO-TIPS #105--Friend, something different--but Very Profitable for you

Friend, you requested this informative newsletter at If you don't remember doing it, or want to unsubscribe - just hit the link right at the bottom. NOTE: If you have problems receiving email replies from me, please visit first. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bought My Honest Lotto System Yet? Today You Get A Huge 30% Discount, Trippple G'tee and $150 Value Numbers Workshop Bonus: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hi Friend, Ken Silver again, with something different for you today... You know playing lotto requires some waiting until the Play Day comes round. Teaches us patience, doesn't it! But sometimes we just want to play when *we* like. So many of us get out to the casino for a bit of fun and socializing. But we have nagging doubts that the casino odds may be loaded against us. We've heard the stories... our chances of winning don't seem to be that great. So how would you like to out-fox the casino - and turn the tables on them? For example... How would you like to be able to tell - with almost 100% X-Ray certainty - which slot machines are "ripe" to pay out?... And what you MUST do to prepare for success even before entering a casino... Or how just one question to casino staff (which they're obliged to answer honestly) will increase your chances of winning over 1,000 times! I've discovered a little-known manual that reveals dozens of these "insider secrets" for winning hundreds or thousands of dollars daily at the slots. No more yakking from me. Go here for a Free Report on this new book: (Since it's only been available since May, pressure from the casinos could cause it to be withdrawn soon... you need to be quick). You'll also get a 10-part email course on mastering slot machines, at no cost: And when you're done there, don't forget to buy the Honest Lotto System: and Lotto-80 system too: If you know someone who would benefit fast by using the information and tips here to help them win lotto or the slots, send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field. They'll thank you for it. Ken Silver "Helping Lotto Players Become Winners" Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991 Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!) ------------------------------------- Contact me by email: -------------------------------------