Subject: LOTTO DAILY - You're Crazy Not To Take This Advice

You're getting my daily Lotto-Tips because you bought from me
(thanks!), took the Milllionaire Quiz or subscribed. You can see
all issues on my blog at Enjoy!

Hi Friend,

Winners play differently to losers.

Know the difference so you can change your playing strategy.
Here's 3 ways they differ, and how you can duplicate their

1) Winners buy more tickets.
In the Silver Lotto System instructions - and often in these
newsletters - I tell you to buy more lines or tickets. In fact,
you should stop buying small amounts like 1 or 2 tickets, and
wait until you can afford to use as much of the complete Silver
Lotto System as possible.

Work out how much you can afford without missing out on bill
payments, food, savings and buying fun things. If you are
planning to be a committed player, you need to make your ticket
amount as high as possible. Only in this way can you get the
maximum chances from your purchase.

The more you play, the greater the chance you'll hit the Big
One. Just like anything else:

Dear Ken,
I just wanted to let you and everyone else know
that I won $124,960.00 last week with your silver
system and I'm so grateful...
...thanks again!!!!!
Jo Shalcross.

Want to stop ticket wastage? Want to only buy the winning
tickets instead of wasting your money on the losing ones? I
developed the Lotto-80 System to help you do just that:

2) Winners set a regular play time.
Decide how often you are going to play at the level you've
chosen. For example, before buying my System you might have been
a 5 or 6 line player each week (one ticket).

With the Silver Lotto System, you might decide to play 10
tickets. But instead of spreading them out over the month, you
should play them all at once, monthly. That increases your odds
by a whopping amount, and it's how I designed the system to work.

In between your large plays, take a couple of tickets (you gotta
use the Silver Lotto System - forget about ever touching the
computer picks), just to keep your enthusiasm up.

Hi Ken,
I bought your system about two years ago,
and I have been a constant winner since.
To date I have won $33,675.00!
My last win was this past Wednesday
when I knocked off another $1,370.00!
(name and email supplied)

I've won: $400.00, $300.00, $75.00, $50.00,
$10.00, $5.00, $3.00 not just once but
many times... I won every week for four
months on Powerball. It was a great
Thank you
Michael A. (ardo*****


Powerball is up to $80 milllion right now, and it's just a few
hours away from the draw. Get my PowerSpread System for USA and
Australia here for next week's games - that'll give you time to
make up your tickets. (What am I talking about! It only takes 30
minutes and you never have to do it again):

3) Winners bounce back and try again.
Winners sometimes go for a week or two without winning a cent.
Or they may get small amounts - and like the rest of us they will
wonder whether my system really works. Of course it does, just
have faith and persist.

The answer is simple. Have a game plan. Stick to it. Increase
your ticket play. Persist, persist, persist until you win...

... just won $70,634.60 on the 6/49 in Canada ...
I've been using your silver lotto system for
about 4 months.
Thanks So much!
Murray B.

Put it all together with the powerful Silver Lotto PRO System:

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"