Subject: LOTTO DAILY - You'll Never Find Another Twin Like This

You're getting my daily Lotto-Tips because you bought from me
(thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all issues on my blog at Enjoy!

I was talking to my wife just now. We were sitting in our giant
lounge in the sun watching the ships come in across the sparkling
waters of the harbor, and out of the blue she said to me, "Isn't
it amazing how all humans look so different."

Might have something to do with the TV program we had watched on
identical twins. Though they looked the same at a glance, they
had different personalities which certainly made them
identifiably different.

And I began thinking... my Silver Lotto System is exactly the
same. While it has a "lottery system" tagline, it's actually very
different to any other lottery system I've ever seen.

It works in completely the opposite way that you would expect.

For a start, I designed it to work by removing negative number
combinations, leaving a small number of the good ones. With a
small amount of luck and persistence, anyone can win constantly:

Just thought I'd update you since my last communication - Ken
I have continued to winn at EACH and EVERY draw I entered since
purchasing your system...
it's like having a part time job or something!!! To reiterate, I
have won EACH and EVERY draw I entered.
Thanks again, Ken. I can feel the big one coming and WILL let
you know when it does.
Yours truly, Diane

Hi Ken,
I bought your system about two years ago,
and I have been a constant winner since.
To date I have won $33,675.00!
My last win was this past Wednesday
when I knocked off another $1,370.00!

(name and email supplied)

And that's all I'm going to say about it. Its inner workings are
as secret as the Coca-Cola formula.

So my system doesn't have a twin anywhere! (And if it does,
report it to me... it's certain to be a rip-off copy).

The second difference is that my system works towards constant
winnings rather than the almost impossible jackpot. But that
doesn't mean to say that Silver Lotto System winnings are small
beans. Take a look at this:

$3.2 MILLION!"

Dear KEN,
...Last Saturday i was one of the lucky winners -
we shared the big jack (pot) ... 6 provisional
winners of $537396.59 each (Total $3,224,379.00)
and we are one of the 6.
Maher M.**

And lastly, I have proof that it works. Hundreds, if not
thousands of people have confirmed that to me, and you can see
their comments on my Silver Lotto System website at

So what's stopping you buying it right now, ready for tomorrow's

Have you taken the first steps so you can write to me about your
own success like the testimonials on my website?

1. Bought the Silver Lotto System?:

2. Or the Silver Lotto PRO System?:

3. Or the Lotto-80 System?:

4. Or the Winner's Circle?:

Do it now to be ready for tomorrow's games.

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
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