Subject: LOTTO DAILY--Winning Is Like Dating

You're getting my daily Lotto-Tips because you bought from me
(thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all issues on my blog at Enjoy!

YOU: (typing) Hi there!

DATE SITE: Hi, how are you?

YOU: Wanna meet sometime?

DATE SITE: Sure, how about Saturday night!

Saturday night arrives, and you sit at the restaurant table with
your iPhone conspicuously set out in front of you. It's the
identifier, so they know who you are.

Your date arrives, carrying the black bag too, as they said they

The date looks great - trim, fashionably dressed and cool. You
are certain this is going to work out.

But to your surprise, your date looks around, then makes a
beeline to another table and starts talking earnestly to the
person sitting there.


As you pass by the table on your way out, you see an iPhone
sitting there.

It's a case of mistaken identity.

Darn, lost that oppportunity.

Winning is like dating.

Let me explain a little...

Every week, the group of winning numbers that match your Silver
Lotto System numbers do something unpredictable... they change

One week they will be waiting for you... the next week the table
will be bare.

No iPhone, no date.

So how do you make the weekly match-up?

That's how my clever Lotto-80 System works.

You look at a secret membership website each week, and it will
tell you if the match is good or bad.

If the numbers are good, you play.

If they're bad, you use the Silver Lotto PRO to make them good

My PRO System is the only one that turns bad weeks into usable
ones, because it produces good matches for your bad numbers.

So you need the Lotto-80 System to predict a good or bad week.

Then the PRO Custom Profiles to match the week's numbers.

Some people, including me, get up to a 98-99% win rate with the PRO

So, get dating those numbers!:

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"

My Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since
1991, and on Special Today.

Custom Profiles: Don't want to fill out your Silver Lotto System
yourself? I'll do them for you.

My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System: Gets you the best advantage
every game with an easy red and green light play indicator.

Silver Lotto PRO System: A tri-combination of the Silver Lotto
System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles that shoots the expected
winning percentage to an amazing 99%.

My PowerSpread System: Specialized Silver Lotto System for USA
and Australian Powerball.

My Lotto Syndicate: Get 4,200 lines for the same price as 14
lines - played for you. You don't have to do a thing.