Subject: LOTTO DAILY: What Is NumberCheck - And How Does It Help You Win?

Inside: Lottery winning tips and stories for you. You're receiving this
daily email because you signed up at one of my websites. Enjoy!

When you buy the Silver Lotto System today, you are stepping into an
exclusive club.

You are part of a small membership group who get the System.

Now YOU have the advantage that hundreds of millions of other lottery
players don't have.

Yes, I've sold thousands of copies of my System, but it's a very tiny
proportion of the players worldwide.

Now here's the surprising fact...

Only a few Silverites ever play according to the way it should be played.

The rest are playing wrong. Real wrong.

I see it all the time.

So when I started my new Silver Lotto Membership Site ( a
couple of weeks ago, I wanted to make sure my members got exactly the right
playing information.

And that's how NumberCheck was born.

As a member, you are not alone now. Instead of wasting money chasing the
wrong strategy, you can now get expert advice on the right direction.

For free.

All part of the service.

Here's how it goes:

You think you could be winning more... maybe you're not getting the 9/10
results I get.

So you answer a few questions on the NumberCheck page in the member site.

I examine your play patterns and tell you what to do to improve them.

But there's a condition (there always is for the good stuff!)

You need to have used your System for 30 days. Only with that play history
can I accurately tell you where you're going wrong and how to improve.

That's all.

I could easily charge big money for this service, but I don't.

It's all part of my commitment to getting you winning faster and cheaper.

For nothing.

Get started now:

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Make Every Playday a Payday!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners Since 1991"

Copyright ©2013 Ken Silver
All Rights Reserved (but you can share it round intact!)

You're receiving this daily email because you want to win the lottery and
you signed up at one of my websites. Every article helps you win faster and
easier, or tells you something useful about winning the lottery.