Subject: LOTTO DAILY - We've Launched! Can You Guess What?

You're getting my daily Lotto-Tips because you bought from me
(thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all issues on my blog at Enjoy!

Hi Friend,

For the last few days I bet you've been on the edge of your
seat, wondering what new thing I'm launching!

Wonder no more...

For on this very hour, after months of work, the SlimWinner Plan
was thrust into the world. Exciting!

Let me explain a bit about it, briefly, then you can get over to
the new website and take a look...

A while back I was a slightly plump writer... the result of
sitting in front of a computer each day and only exercising my
typing fingers.

And every time I looked in a mirror, I saw an overweight body in
a young mind (funny how it's never the other way round).

So after years of trying - and failing - I finally decided to do
something about it. Yup, I made my own diet plan.

And after only a month I was 16 pounds lighter, and still
dropping! I did 6lbs in the first 7 days! I've never experienced
anything like it before.

And I did it after years of yo-yo diets that never worked... 39
failures to be precise.

But the one *I* put together WORKS. And it's based on something
that was right under my nose all the time. You'll read about it
when you get to the website.

The best part for last... my SlimWinner Plan is dirt-cheap to
both buy and run.

You don't need any equipment or fancy charts. In fact, I
insisted to myself that there should be NO calorie counting,
food measuring or any other complex rubbish.

And it succeeded so magnificently that I want to share it with
the world.

And you're the first one I'm telling.

Want to be Slim again? Want to be a Winner?

We all do. Hey, that's how SlimWinner was born.

The SlimWinner Plan launches here now:

Get over there!

Happy Slimming!

Ken Silver
Founder: Silver Lotto System, SlimWinner Plan.