Subject: LOTTO DAILY--Want Lottery Played For You? Winner's Circle Is Now Open Again!

You're receiving this daily email because you you signed up at one of my
websites and you want to win the lottery. Enjoy!

I closed the popular Winner's Circle a while back to new members.

But with the latest payout success, I'm opening it up for a few hours to
let just a few more new members in right now.

Check it out here:

But don't delay... there's only a few vacant slots for the next group.

Go here now:

Make Every Playday a Payday!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners Since 1991"

Copyright ©2013 Ken Silver
All Rights Reserved (but you can share it round intact!)

Unsubscribing: You're receiving this daily email because you want to win
the lottery and you signed up at one of my websites.