Subject: LOTTO-DAILY--The Rich And Their Stupid Use Of Money

I've released free lotto predictions on my blog
today from my secret Lotto-80 membership site!

Take a look here:

"What do you think?" said my son, as we surveyed his property

"Great!" we all said, but secretly I was thinking... he's a cash
millionaire, but the place is not finished yet?

And we listened as he and his partner detailed all the work they
were going to do over the next few months... maybe years.

I was too polite to tell him a few home truths which I'll explain
in a minute...

But first I'm going to use this following example to change your
thinking about the use of money.

Note that I said the USE of money... this is different to dealing
with actual money itself. Because it's only the USE that will
make a difference in your life.

We're all used to getting paid for our time, then spending most
of our wages on essentials - and maybe putting a bit in the bank
for a rainy day if we're lucky.

No surprise that we all live up to our full income, even the
rich. A prominent financial planner to the moderately rich -
that's earning up to $10m - said recently he was never surprised
to see that even the wealthy had money problems. People are
people no matter how much they earn.

And it doesn't stop at the moderately wealthy either. A few years
ago the accountant for Larry Ellison (Larry - the billionaire who
owns Oracle and is one of the world's richest men) said he "must
stop his runaway spending."

Well, it seems everyone has problems of some sort at all levels.

I want to talk about people with too much money. Like my son -
and perhaps you, after winning the Big One.

Because excess funds cause problems too. Especially when you
don't use it as it is intended... to be spread around.

For example, several people in my own family - including my son -
have too much money in the bank. They haven't told me how much
they earn, but I can figure it out based on their job position
and the current earning patterns.

They are quite well off. But you wouldn't think so. Because they
do everything themselves.

They mow their own lawns.
They chop their own wood (one son has a farm).
They do their own decorating and painting, and gardening.

My house-fixin' son has spent 2 years doing up his home. It looks
terrific, but... 2 years gone and still not completed??

With a few thousand dollars drawn from his comfortable bank
account he could have hired all the experts he needed... and have
the place finished in a couple of weeks.

He and his partner could have stayed in a nearby hotel for the
time and brought more income to the local economy through all the
services they would use there.

But because they are so hands-on, they are always behind the
eight ball, tired, and don't have enough time to enjoy their

But they have plenty of useless money in the bank. (I suspect
this is because my business crashed 20 years ago, and it's taught
them a lesson... they are more cautious as a result).

You will probably be in the same position as them after your win.
And like them you've been trained from an early age to respect
hard work, and heck, you'll be damned if you'll let someone else
do it - even if they do it better than you!

So here's what I'm guessing will happen...

After your win you'll have a ton of greenbacks stashed away - but
you'll continue your old lifestyle of DIY (Do It Yourself). And
this will be bad for the workers, trades and experts you could
hire to make your life easier. They will lose out in many ways:

The laundry service will lose your $60 a week.
The lawn cutting service will lose your $55 a week.
The housemaid service will lose your $150 a week.
The nanny will lose your $400 a week.
The window cleaners will lose your $90 a week (you have a LOT of
windows in your lotto mansion!)
The mobile car cleaners will lose $30 per car a week (yup, that's
$180 gone).
The pool cleaning service will lose $50 a week.

There's more losses too, on a less regular basis... the guy who
refills your filtered water, the ventian blind guy who cleans
your 70-100 blinds, the tv installer who upgrades your plasma,
the house painter, the waterblasting service. And so on.

It's a huge economy out there, and everyone relies on spenders
like you to put food on their table. If not, they have to find
work elsewhere, and in today's economy that could be difficult.

Big Lesson here: Money is made to be used, not hoarded.

When you have a huge winning sum from your lottery win, you'll
never have any problems again in your lifetime. But make sure you
don't cause problems for others by withholding it. Spread your
good fortune round. So make sure it is earning some interest, and
then spend some of that amount on getting things done... by

It will be the best investment you'll ever make.

By the way, you needn't go overboard like Polo clothes founder
Ralph Lauren. In a recent article I read how his gardeners have
to remove the animal barriers from his immaculate gardens before
sunrise, so he can awake to a pristine uncluttered view of his
grounds from his bedroom window.

Oh well, if he's paying, who minds!

The next best investment (you knew this was coming!) is my

1. The Silver Lotto System
2. The Lotto-80 System
3. The PRO System.

I was skeptical about your system and went back
and checked out my numbers for the last 2 years
with my profile list, and I could only get a
few wins with the biggest $230. But I went ahead
anyway and would you believe it??? I won $7600!!!
after 5 weeks with these numbers. (I changed a
couple first, but it was mainly the same ones
according to your system).
So I'm sending you $76 as a reward for a great
game plan!
- Bryce Vernon

And if you've won any prize using my system - no matter how small
(but go easy on telling us about the $5 wins...bigger is better!)
- share your good fortune with us here:

And don't forget to see today's predicted games from my secret
Lotto-80 membership site here:

Make Every Playday a Payday!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners Since 1991"
Instant Help:

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My Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since
1991, and on Special today:

Custom Profiles: Don't want to fill out your Silver Lotto System
yourself? I'll do them for you:

My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System: Lets you choose the best time
to enter every game with an easy red and green light play
indicator... for just the price of a hamburger a month:

Silver Lotto PRO System: A combination of the Silver Lotto
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winning percentage to an amazing 98% for me:

My PowerSpread System: Specialized Silver Lotto System for USA
and Australian Powerball:

My Lotto Syndicate: Get 4,200 lines for the same price as 14
lines, played for you. You don't have to do a thing:

ABOUT ME: Ken Silver

I've been selling my ebooks online since 1995 and helping others
achieve lottery success through my best-selling Silver Lotto
System, a unique program which I developed in 1991. There are
hundreds of testimonials on my websites which prove that anyone
can win a lottery prize in almost every lotto game in the world
using my systems.

I've also written several top-selling ebooks in other markets,
including the million-seller "eBook Secrets."

If you have bought one of my systems and want to resell my
products, see my Lotto Affiliate Center at There's a heap of
info and tools to use there. I give a commission to all my
affiliates of 75% - the highest currently available, and paid out
by 100% reliable ClickBank so you never have to worry.

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