Subject: LOTTO-DAILY--The Power Of Positive Thinking Doesn't Work?

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I've been reading your newsletter articles about
wishing for a win, and I've only won a few thousand
dollars so far. How does this goal stuff work, and more
importantly for me, does it work for real?
Sylvia F.

Good question Sylvia.

In fact, it's been something I've meant to bring up for a while

Sometimes my enthusiastic articles make it sound as though I
believe in "The Secret" - a positive thinking/wishing book that
came out a couple of years ago to great acclaim.

I don't.

I'm not really a believer in this kind of woolly thinking.

My opinion - I think it's very difficult to use this so-called
Law of Attraction in the real world.

Imagine trying to become a billlionaire by merely thinking about
it and putting pictures of mansions up on the wall.

It's obviously an impossible dream for most of us.

Sure, dreaming about acquiring stuff, then working towards it in
a practical way will get you there, eventually.

And if you combine it with my secret weapon... Relentless Focused
Action... you'll achieve any goal, eventually.

And I can speak from experience.

Everything ever I've wished for in my early life has come true.
Some of it took years longer than I hoped, but what the heck...
it was worth the wait.

So how do I think this "positive thinking" will improve your
lottery winning chances?

Well, as I've mentioned before in previous newsletters, you won't
be able to win simply by wishing about it.

That's quite obvious to everyone.

But what wishing does is far more important in another area...

This positivity keeps you going through the period when maybe
large wins are few and far between.

Let's face it, you're going to win with my systems - no question
about that.

And in time you WILL win a large prize.

My high percentage rate and winning statistics takes care of that

But in the meantime, you need to persist with the small wins...
to keep plugging along... keeping the dream alive.

That's why it's important to:
- put up pictures on your fridge door or computer screen of the
things you desire most.
- review them and look at them often.
- spend a few minutes a day reflecting on how good it will feel
to have achieved your goals.

You will then have the necessary enthusiasm to keep going for the
required time in order to get them.

Add Relentless Focused Action, and you're good to go!

One other point...

If you're looking a low-cost way to build additional in.come,
this is the best way to start:

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"

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ABOUT ME: Ken Silver

I'm one of the early e-commerce adopters, selling my ebooks
online since 1995 and helping others achieve success through my
top-selling Silver Lotto System, a unique program which I
developed in 1991. There are hundreds of testimonials on my
websites which prove that anyone can win a lottery prize in
almost every game using my systems.

I've also written several top-selling ebooks in other markets,
including the million-seller "eBook Secrets."

If you have bought one of my systems and want to resell my
products, see my Affiliate Center at There's a heap of
info and tools to use there. Recently I increased the selling
commission rate to a whopping 75%.

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