Subject: LOTTO-DAILY - The News Is All Good Today!

You're getting my Lotto-Tips because you bought from me
(thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all issues on my blog at Enjoy!

A short while back I let you know about another $100k winner
joining the exclusive Lotto-80 group:

I won $100,000 using your Silver Lotto System
and the clever Lotto-80 system. Its been the
biggest amount I've won since I bought your
systems a couple of years ago, but I never
paid out more than $1,000 so its been a real
Fiona B. (fio********

I get almost as excited as the winner when I get news like this.
It's the third $100k winner we've had. In fact I'm thinking of
not printing a testimonial now from anyone under 100 grand :-)

So how do I do it?

Draw your chair a little closer to the screen and hold all

My superior system doesn't produce winning numbers - instead it
actually REDUCES the quantity of losing numbers.

It's really quite simple.

Using my special system process, I've managed to get the 'bad'
losing numbers down to around 99% of the total numbers in most
games round the world, using Lotto-80 (
inside the PRO system (

"Hey Ken, that's pretty good," you say. "That means I get 1%
left to work on."

And you're right.

You can get a win inside that 1%, easy, and it's now up to you.

Use your playing skills. Race ahead by not giving up, playing
more lines and tickets, and using many other tips I've given you
over the years.

I can take you right up to the winner's door, but you have to
knock and let yourself in!

Many do. The proof is in my testimonies... hundreds of them.

And now we have a third $100k winner.

My predictive Lotto-80 is the key to success.

See it here:

Today is the 1-month anniversary of my new Support System.

And the response has been great.

If you remember, a month back I wrote about how maybe 40-50% of
my Support emails going out went AWOL... never to be seen again.

Back then I took a 10 minute mental scream, and then got back to
fixin' the drains.

And a month later, it's worked great. I've got the response time
to you down to 12 hours (from "never" in the dark past!).
Everything's hummin' along and people are happy.

And I'm getting "thanks a milllion!" emails from clients I've
helped answer questions promptly.

Now, it would be nice to be instant, like at the end of a phone.

As usual, there's a parallel process with winning the lottery.

Because we all want Instant.

Started with coffee, continued with divorces.

Everything is instant today.

But the lottery is different...

You have to wait a while for the draw to come round.

And this is a good thing.

Because the expectation of winnning - a week or a few days away
- is exciting!

Thinking about what you would buy, where you would travel, how
you would help the world... it's very uplifting.

I wouldn't swap that feeling for anything.

Now - you can speed things up a bit with the Scratchies. That's
instant gratification. And I recommend a good program for getting
started here:

Or you can spend the time waiting before the next Draw,
reflecting on what huge changes you'll be making to your new

Spend some time making a wishlist.

Have fun with it.

Share this newsletter with friends or family. Forward this email
to them, or send them this link to sign up:

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"

My Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since
1991, and on Special today.

Custom Profiles: Don't want to fill out your Silver Lotto System
yourself? I'll do them for you.

My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System: Gets you the best advantage
every game with an easy red and green light play indicator.

Silver Lotto PRO System: A tri-combination of the Silver Lotto
System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles that shoots the expected
winning percentage to an amazing 99%.

My PowerSpread System: Specialized Silver Lotto System for USA
and Australian Powerball.

My Lotto Syndicate: Get 4,200 lines for the same price as 14
lines - played for you. You don't have to do a thing.