Subject: LOTTO DAILY - The Lesson

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You're getting my daily Lotto-Tips because you bought from me
(thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all issues on my blog at Enjoy!


Before I tell you this following little story with a great twist
at the end, here's a reminder about my 3 Rules Diet. I originally
called it the SlimWinner Plan, but as the result of some testing
I recently made a change to the name.

Make sure you don't buy it again thinking it's a different
product! (The only difference will be in the we.ight you drop
when you start today!:


As he came round the side of our house, a stooped, unkempt
figure with darting eyes, little did I know that I was going to
experience a life-changing lesson that morning.

I didn't let him inside.

I was a bit uncertain about him.

So he waited patiently while I brought the object to the door.

He turned it over in his hands. "How much did you say you
wanted?" he said, never looking up.

I told him a figure, and he sighed.

"That's a fair amount," he said. "But I make my living selling
these - and I don't think I can put it on the shelf at this

He looked directly at me, then said, "I can offer you a little
less, but it's probably more than you'll get anywhere else." He

I felt sorry for the man, and so I agreed. He put his hand in
his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash and started peeling some
notes off.

We shook hands.

Then the lesson began.

"Ahh..." he started, putting the rest of the money back in his
pocket, "do have any coins you want to sell?"

"Well, no," I replied, and I was about to explain I didn't
collect coins when he launched into his next question.

"What about stamps... do you have a collection, or individual
stamps you want to sell?"

"No, I..."

Again he interrupted, pleasantly. "Antiques? Do you have any old
chairs or tables you want to sell?"

We started walking down the path towards the gate, and he kept
up the questioning.

Household items, crockery, cutlery, glass bowls, did I have a
hobby I'd given up...?

The questions went on and on. We got to the gate - he was still

I was amazed at the long list of items that tumbled out of his
memory bank.

Then he mentioned racquets.

I remembered I had always intended to sell my high tech tennis
racquet - but hadn't got round to it.

A few minutes later I had more money than I expected, and the
buyer had my racquet dangling awkwardly from his hand. He
obviously wasn't a player.

By the time we reached the gate for the third time, he had
bought four household items of mine that I never thought of

And I had learnt the valuable lesson of persistence.

Soon this buyer - a wealthy professional trader as I discovered
later - would be returning to his home and sitting down at his
computer to list my items on TradeMe, our local equivalent of

I knew he would be selling them for a lot more than he gave me.

I didn't mind.

Because he had taught me a valuable lesson that day.

Even though his visit was years ago, the experience has always
stayed with me.

Persistence always wins in the end.

It's the reason I keep writing these daily emails to you, year
after year.

To remind you that if you want to win at lotto, you must never
ease up.

When the weather stops you getting down to your local store to
buy tickets, break through your comfort barrier and do it anyway.

When your tickets only bring you a few freebies, remember that
next week is a fresh start. It's worth the effort:

"Constant Wins Got Me $33,675.00 - - PLUS Another $1,370.00 Last

Hi Ken,
I bought your system about two
years ago, and I have been a
constant winner since.
To date I have won $33,675.00!
My last win was this past Wednesday
when I knocked off another $1,370.00!

- J.M.R.
(name and email supplied)

It took my gypsy buyer many questions to get what he wanted, but
he ended up with a goldmine for his efforts.

Like him, keep playing and stay focused on your goal.

The rewards of persistence are amazing.

"$77,000.00 - It's Like 2 Year's Wages All At Once!"

OK i tried many other lotto programs and
they all stank. i piled money in and got
nothing back. So i tried yours. it took
a while but i started to get some dollars.
Then last week I got $77,000. wow!!!! I
never had that much money in my life its
like 2 years wages all at one time. First
thing I did was to get my cards paid of.
Then I treated my G/F and family out.

- John Nive, LA
(name and email supplied)

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
Silver Lotto System

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Step 5. My PowerSpread System: get this specialized Silver Lotto
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Step 6. My Winner's Circle Lotto Syndicate gets you 4,200 lines
for the same price as 14 lines, played for you automatically. You
don't have to do a thing except wait for your winning share:

To unsubscribe please click the link below... but don't unless
you really have to. Remember that just getting my newsletter
means you are always in the draw for a new Silver Lotto System or
your mo.ney back if you already have bought it: