Subject: LOTTO DAILY--The Figures Jumped Out At Me! [Buried Secret Pattern Revealed]

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The rain is pouring down down the windows in my office.

But I don't mind. It's warm and cosy here.

I'm working my way through the NumberCheck service I offer members.

I've been well behind because it is a labor intensive procedure, and I
haven't found anyone who can do it for me.

But now that I have 70 or 80 completed, I'm starting to notice a definite
pattern emerging.

And it is quite exciting.

Because it sets out the secret for getting better winning results.

And I'm going to reveal it here.

The best part of it is buried at the bottom of this newsletter.

Actually, the rest of it is common sense, but it's amazing how many players
will ignore - or simply won't follow the correct method I use to get wins.

What I found for general play were these 3 startling facts:

1. Most Players Play Too Often.
I've had some who play 5 games a week. Not only is it expensive for them,
but it is casting the net too wide. They should concentrate on one game,
focus on it and play it properly.

2. Many Winners Simply Don't Use Enough Tickets.
I'm talking 3-5 tickets here, a few buck's worth that some of the players
use. They will get nowhere long-term with this amount. But before anyone
remembers that I've said you can play with just $10-12, it's true - you
can. But you'll get better results the more tickets you play.

3. Players Spread Their Games And Tickets Too Wide.
If you can learn anything from my NumberCheck experience, it's this:
Play fewer games, and use more tickets. That's all.

OK, let's talk about PRO and the strange impact it had on me.

If you play the USA Megabucks Plus, I've just released the PRO Custom
Profiles for this game today.

If you are a Silver Lotto Member, just go to the PRO menu tab and you can
buy it straight away. Or go here:

And there's more PRO games coming over the next few weeks.

I have divided my afternoons up for the next month or so, and I'm working
on completing all the games into PRO Custom Profiles.

At the moment I have 43 games to go out of the 117 listed in the
LottoPredict site (that's Lotto-80 also for some of you longtimers).

It's a lot of work, but the results are worth it.

But here's why it should interest you...

In the NumberCheck service I'm doing, I got a real surprise when I saw this
pattern being created...the figures literally jumped out at me!

Almost all the regular winners were using PRO Custom Profiles!

Read that again.

The PRO users had the biggest and most regular wins.

The players with just the Silver Lotto System had fewer wins, and their
wins were smaller.

It just confirms the power of PRO!

If you are not using PRO, you should seriously consider adding it.

Because once you have a LottoPredict subscription and PRO Custom Profiles,
you're set.

Get it here:, or go to the PRO menu in the Silver Lotto
Membership Site.

Then just play till you win your retirement dream!

Why not share this newsletter with friends or family? Click 'Forward' to
send it to them, or email them this link to sign up. They'll also get my
free 60-page ebook "Lottery Master Tips":

Make Every Playday a Payday!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners Since 1991"

Copyright ©2013 Ken Silver
All Rights Reserved (but you can share it round intact!)

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you signed up at one of my websites. Every article helps you win faster and
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