Subject: LOTTO DAILY--Should You Play One Game Or Many?

You're getting my daily Lotto-Tips because you bought from me
(thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all issues on my blog at Enjoy!


Korvin G. emailed me recently:

"Ken, I can play 2 weekly major games
in my country. Should I play just one
or both? I can't afford to spread too
thin but I like the idea of doubling
my chances."

Korvin asks the question that several people ask me each week.

Should you put all your eggs into one basket by playing one
game, or spread your tickets around several games?

It's an answer that has to be tailor-made for the Silver Lotto
Systems, because at first glance it seems better to increase your
winning chances by taking a few tickets in many games.

The correct answer is quite the opposite.

Stick to ONE game only.

Put all your effort into that one.

OK i tried many other lotto programs and they
all stank. i piled money in and got nothing
back. So i tried yours. it took a while but
i started to get some dollars.
Then last week I got $77,000. wow!!!! I never
had that much money in my life its like 2 years
wages all at one time. First thing I did was
to get my cards paid of.
Then I treated my G/F and family out.

John Nive, LA
(name and email supplied)

Here's why - unless you have the resources to play big in both
games, you are reducing your winning chances dramatically by
playing both.

In fact, logic tells us that splitting the same amount between
two games is going to half your chances of any wins, maybe more.

All my systems are designed to give you the best winning chance
available in one game, so don't mess it up by diluting your

Concentrate on one game.

One basket is the way to go!

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
Silver Lotto System

Tired of losing? The best way to get my 8 out of 10 success rate
is set out here.

Each step leads you to a better win rate:

Step 1. Get my Silver Lotto System... still the lottery
best-seller since 1991, and on Special Today with $57 off:

Step 2. Buy my Customized Lotto Numbers - they are an excellent
quick start for your game:

Step 3. My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System gets you the best
advantage every game with an easy red and green light play

Step 4. Buy the Silver Lotto PRO System. It's a combination of
the Silver Lotto System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles that
shoots the expected winning percentage to an amazing 99%. If you
already have the Silver Lotto System and Lotto-80 System, buy the
Custom Profiles package here:

Step 5. Get into my PowerSpread System: a specialized Silver
Lotto System which is specially designed for winning the USA and
Australian Powerball.

Step 6. Click over to my Winner's Circle Lotto Syndicate. This
nifty system gets you 4,200 lines for the same price as 14 lines
- and it's played for you. You don't have to do a thing except
wait for your share:

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Lotto System or your mon-ey back if you already have bought it: