Subject: LOTTO-DAILY - No Work...I've Never Been This Excited Before

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(thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all issues on my blog at Enjoy!

I'm getting pretty excited here this weekend, and I'll tell you

Something's coming together at last.

For years I've been trying to meet a humungous need of worldwide

A need that I've never seen plugged successfully, ever.

But now I think I have the answer.

And I'm not talking lotto here - I'm meeting that need very well
- if you consider the milllions that have been won so far by
Silverites (buyers of my systems).

Nosirree, this need is for something quite, quite different.

It's for folk who want extra in.come, but nothing spammy or that
needs any kinda wurk or skill.

Something like a trust fund from an elderly aunt who puts
regular amounts in your bank account... and you only have to go
out and spend it.

Imagine if you had this golden goose that you never had to feed.

A little producer of golden eggs that never needed food or

Let me get more specific...

A website that poured out proffits without you having to lift a
finger. Or have ANY input...

No writing stuff.
No updating stuff.
No banking stuff.

All you have to do after buying it - is to check your bank
account and count the muney.

A true hands-off investment.

I'm not getting fanciful...

I've been dreaming of this product for a long time.

And I've almost cracked it in the past.

I tried it with my "5 Minute Fort-une" - now deceased. Great
product - but too much work.

Then there's my Lotto which is another great answer
- but still needs a few minutes a day.

I also put out the Lotto Trafffic Builder. Works like a dream,
but so do you, even if it's a few minutes a day!

All superb stuff - but these great ideas still need some
hands-on work.

The problem is most of them need a magical ingredient that is
one of the most difficult to obtain on the planet.

And that's trafffic...

By trafffic, I mean getting eyes on a website that are conditioned
and ready to buy.

(I also put out the " Trafffic Revealed" ebook for nothing,
but you need to apply the principles there too - more work).

Great if you like Wurk.

But most times we don't - we all universally like to hang out in
a hammock on some glistening white beach in the tropics... with not
a care in the world.

But it's harder than you know...

You see, there are thousands - maybe milllions of so-called
bizyness oppportunities that seem to give you everything on a
plate - including this elusive trafffic.

But 999 times out of 1,000 these little clickers are useless.

They don't give you targeted buyers.

Because they might be automated click-thru's from China, or
surfing programs that pay losers 1c a click, or "leads" that
originally opted in to buy something completely different - but
were fooled into seeing the website.


So, solve the Trafffic problem and you've got your world on a

And I think I've done that (cheers all round).

So, imagine if you will, a golden goose website that is all set
up for you. And it is 100% certified L A Z Y... there is
nothing left to do, ever.

And every day the trafffic keeps flowing and the buyers keep

Even then, you do nothing.

No compiling of stats to tweak the system, no paying for
renewing the domain name. No putting more money in.

Simply the purest form of automated commerce you could possibly

Buy it, forget it.

Can you see why I'm getting hyped up?

I don't know of any other dollar-poppin' system that works on
autopilot like mine.

Real estate investment? No! That takes enormous work and risk,
even if you could get a bank loan.

Shares? Nope - they all go downhill at some point and lose you
money. Even if you're Warren Buffet.

Small business? Work, work, work! There's no business alive that
doesn't need something doing for mind-aching hours each day.

Ready for it...?

Except mine.

That one just peeking over the horizon at ya.

Can you see why I'm so excited?

I have found a perpetual form of in.come-making where you, the
owner, does zilch.

Never seen it before.

And the best thing is purely selfish on my part - I get to HELP
people out of their financial woes.

I get to assist those folk who:

- Don't want to run their own bizness.
- Can't run their own bizness, because they don't have the
- Are already happy in their job but need more spendables.
- Don't have time to increase their part-time in.come.
- Are retired and want to supplement their pension or super.
- Are unemployed and simply want spare in.come.

You know, I have friends and family who have, or had, biznesses.

Not one of them makes a proffit! Some have lost badly over the
years, and have never recovered. I want to help tham, and now I

Because it's REAL hard to run a bizness, let alone one that
turns a profit.

I'm the exception.

My bizness - and the golden goose method I'm developing right
now - is the only one I've seen that works.

Proof? Two gleaming exotic sports cars sitting in the garage of
my 4 level mansion atop the harbor hills. Think James Bond.

From an in.come that never ceases.

Done exactly the way I'm working on now for you.

And I'm in the process of buttoning up that secret. I'll be
revealing it soon.

Maybe a few weeks away now - maybe sooner.

You should stick close to me for the next little while.

It'll be a great ride!

And in case you're wondering about stuff you're buying now, like
the Lotto (, let me
remind you I try and give good value to my Silverites wherever I
can. So this will happen...

When you buy the Lotto or any of my other trafffic
building products, you'll get that purchase amount deducted from
my new product.

Aren't I good to you!

And if you buy the last remaining LifeTime Offer
(, you even get this
magic product for zilch.

Keep watching, it's coming!

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"

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Get started:

My Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since
1991, and on Special today.

Custom Profiles: Don't want to fill out your Silver Lotto System
yourself? I'll do them for you.

My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System: Gets you the best advantage
every game with an easy red and green light play indicator.

Silver Lotto PRO System: A tri-combination of the Silver Lotto
System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles that shoots the expected
winning percentage to an amazing 99%.

My PowerSpread System: Specialized Silver Lotto System for USA
and Australian Powerball.

My Lotto Syndicate: Get 4,200 lines for the same price as 14
lines - played for you. You don't have to do a thing.