Subject: LOTTO DAILY-- Most Outrageous Offer For 18 Years

You're getting my daily Lotto-Tips because you bought from me (thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all 800+ past issues on my blog at Enjoy!

If you haven't bought the Silver Lotto System yet, today's newsletter must contain the most outrageous promise I've ever made in my 18 years of lotto winning...

To my knowledge no-one else on the planet has made such an extreme offer for playing lotto, ever.

Here we go. Starts today.

This is the offer I've just put up on the Silver Lotto System website right now (spelling altered a bit here to pass the email filters!)...

If You Don't Win A Pri.ze In 3 Months,
I'll Give You TWICE Your Money!

That's right. I'm making this outrageous claim because for over a decade and a half I have proven that when a lotto game is played according to my instructions, players can win a prize in 8 out of every 10 games. Even more.

Boy, if I'm wrong, that is going to make a huge hole in my pocket, isn't it?

I don't think so.

Because since 1991 I have proven that when a lotto game is played according to my instructions, most players can win a prize in 8 out of every 10 games.

I've personally gone as high as a 99% win rate. That's a prize in almost EVERY game I've played.

I can only say this if my Silver Lotto System works like a dream. And it does.

Year after year of hard statistics have proven my system works like crazy.

Yes, the statistics and winners - thousands of them, including me - have made me so confident in my system, that I can state this following sentence.

I solemnly swear:

"If you play your lottery game exactly according to my directions, and fail to win at least 1 single prize or ticket in 3 months, I'll give you DOUBLE your Silver Lotto System purchase back!"

It's this simple... get a large envelope and mark on the front "Double My Muney" Play according to my Silver Lotto System for 3 months, and after each game put your tickets in the envelope. If you don't win a single prize in that period, seal it up and post that envelope to me - and I'll give you twice the cost of the Silver Lotto System purchase!

Right now you can pick up the Silver Lotto System on special offer... $97 reduced to just $39.95.

That means I'll be giving you over $79 back ($39.95 x 2) in 3 month's time if you don't make a single win or even get a free ticket.

There's no small print, no minimum amount of games you need play (though I expect you to play weekly as most players do).

And this is on top of my remarkable standard Trippple Guaranteee!

Now, there's a limit to how long I'll keep this offer open. If even one returner takes advantage of my goodwill, I'll pull it fast.

So take me up on it - while the offer's still on the table.

You have nothing to lose.

There is now no barrier to you winning this weekend.

Get over there now. It's an instant download.

You'll have the Silver Lotto System on your screen in just a minute or so:

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
Instant Help Support Desk:

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