Subject: LOTTO DAILY - Miracle Secret

You're getting my daily Lotto-Tips because you bought from me
(thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all issues on my blog at Enjoy!

Hi Friend,

Here's a little secret that you'll only get as a subscriber to
this newsletter.

But before I tell you about, I'm going to have to blow my own
trumpet for a few seconds.

That's because my new f.atloss system at continues to amaze me.

From my start of 200lbs / 91kg just a couple of months ago, I'm
now down to 174lbs / 79kg.

I think I may also be getting abs too :-)

So I'm still losing blubber at a safe, gradual rate... and it's
a miracle.

It's a miracle because after decades of failure, I've succeeded
in dropping these 26 pounds - that's 12 kg - in just a few short

And I still eat the odd chocolate when I feel like it.

It's a very flexible way to safely lose flab.

When I look at my new figure in the mirror, and see how it's
made me look and act 10 years younger, I can't help but get
ragingly enthusiastic about my system.

Extra pounds age you. Last week I met an acquaintance I hadn't
seen for a time, and he looked old. Most of the aging look was in
the way he looked and walked... slowly, carefully - as a result
of gaining a lot of w.eight.

Slowed him down... aged him almost automatically.

If you want a safe method to lose we.ight - without harmful side
effects - you've got to try mine.

Now let's talk about how my new Banned Food Diet program is
going to help you in other ways - mainly financial... while
you're waiting for that lottery win to kick in...

If you go down to the bottom of the website at, you'll notice that the "Affiliate"
link is blank.

It's in a secret location.

That's because I'm only releasing the business side of this
website to subscribers here at the moment.

Before I give you the link, here's a quick 5 steps so you can
get a head start on being a super-productive affiliate:

1. Buy the product. This is important so you can sell it more
effectively. Hey - you can't teach someone to drive if you can't
drive yourself. Same with this. Get it here:

2. Study my website: Note how I
present it with an emphasis on the dangers of most other
we.ight-loss products (some are crazy, some will kill you! I
personally know of someone who did the bread She went into
hospital for a week).

3. Start a free blog with Google's Blogger:

4. Go to Ezine Articles at and search
for articles that mirror the concept of my website. You'll be
mainly looking for articles that talk about the dangers of fast
we.ightloss. Place those articles on your blog, together with
your ClickBank affiliate link.

5. Use Google Adwords ( to promote your

There many other ways you can promote my website to the world
with your affiliate link in your signature:
- comments to your mailing list,
- comments on forums
- comments on blogs.

Got that?

OK, here's the website affiliate link I promised.

Visit it now, and start rolling with the ideas there:

Next newsletter I'll talk about how to succeed this 2010 with a
lotto product.

But now I'm off to have a delicious meal and maybe lose another
pound or two!

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"

Fast-track your way to success with my systems:

Step 1. Get my Silver Lotto System... still the lottery
best-seller since 1991, and on Special Today with $57 off:

Step 2. Use my Customized Lotto Numbers - I make your numbers so
you don't have to!:

Step 3. See how my Lotto-80 Predictive Play System tells you
when to play in every game. Easy red and green light indicator:

Step 4. Acquire the Silver Lotto PRO System... this combination
of the Silver Lotto System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles shoots
your expected winning percentage to an amazing 99%:

Step 5. You now need my PowerSpread System: get this specialized
Silver Lotto System specially designed for winning USA or
Australian Powerball.

Step 6. Here's the real winnner... my Winner's Circle Lotto
Syndicate gets you 4,200 lines for the same price as 13 lines,
played for you automatically. You don't have to do a thing except
wait for your winning share:

To unsubscribe please click the link below... but don't unless
you really have to. Remember that just getting my newsletter
means you are always in the draw for a new Silver Lotto System or
your mon-ey back if you already have bought it: