Subject: LOTTO DAILY--Knocking At Your Screen With 5 Profound Tips...

You're getting my daily Lotto-Tips because you bought from me
(thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all issues on my blog at Enjoy!

Hi Friend,

So, every day you've been seeing my "Lotto Daily" newsletter
appear on your inbox list.

And I guess you still like what I say, because you haven't
deleted me.

You're very wise.

Because the only way to win big is to get information on why
you're losing - and change it.

And since this is the only daily lotto newsletter available,
you're off to a good start...

I'm going to tell you how to increase your chances of winning.

Because I've been in this business since 1991, and I've seen a
lot of people losing needlessly.

And I've discovered the difference between winning small or big
can be any one of these 5 lotto-losing bloopers.

Read and absorb, then act!

Mistake #1. You're not playing enough lines.
One Profile line or even 5 lines per game is NOT ENOUGH! Use
more, many more. Save up and wait if necessary, till you can
afford a whole card in one game.

Mistake #2. You're playing too many games with too few numbers.
Keep focused. You can't play 4 different games each week with a
few lines in each and expect to get any result. Focus in on one
game, play big and stick with it.

Mistake #3. You've given up because you're not winning each
Keep going! Persist! Success comes to the tryers, the players,
the involved, the do-ers. Not the stay-at-homers or the

Mistake #4. You don't play each week.
You need to get in to win. Lotto is like going to a baseball
game... you won't get inside the stadium unless you've bought a
ticket at the gate. Get in the game!

Mistake #5. You need to build goals and believe in your dream.
This is no UFO nonsense. Unless you have a set of strong goals
fuelled by vivid dreams, you'll give up at the first sign of
defeat. So keep striving and believing.

It works!

You might get some decent winnings fairly soon like Ron:

Hi Ken;
...I followed your advice... I WON $100,000.00!!!!!! on my
second try. Your system works and your tips are very important to
follow. I'm continuing to play and expect to win again. I'll
write again when I do.
Thanks for a system that works.
Regards, Ron

...or it may take longer, like Phil:

Ken, I bought your system a couple of years
ago... Since then computer crashed ,new
computer, changed internet carriers, etc,
etc. Anyway still kept trying the system
and 2 weeks ago won 2nd division powerball
Phil F.**

But unless you get started and persevere, you'll get nowhere

Step 1. Get my Silver Lotto System... still the lottery
best-seller since 1991, and on Special Today with $57 off:

Step 2. My Customized Lotto Numbers are an excellent quick start
for your game:

Step 3. My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System gets you the best
advantage every game with an easy red and green light play

Step 4. Silver Lotto PRO System is a combination of the Silver
Lotto System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles that shoots the
expected winning percentage to an amazing 99%:

Step 5. My PowerSpread System: Specialized Silver Lotto System
is specially designed for winning the USA and Australian

Step 6. My Winner's Circle Lotto Syndicate gets you 4,200 lines
for the same price as 14 lines - and it's played for you. You
don't have to do a thing except wait for your share:

Do it now to get ready for the next weekend's games.

One more winner for you. A biggie:

$3.2 MILLION!"

Dear KEN,
...Last Saturday i was one of the lucky winners -
we shared the big jack (pot) ... 6 provisional
winners of $537396.59 each (Total $3,224,379.00)
and we are one of the 6.
Maher M.**

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"

To unsubscribe please click the link below... but make sure this
is not ken101 - which is keeping you in the draw for a new Silver
Lotto System or your mon-ey back if you already have bought it: