Subject: LOTTO DAILY--Kick The $10 Lotto Tickets Habit And Get A Lottery MBA

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One of my adult sons has almost completed his MBA.

It has been a two year intensive Masters of Business course that has taken
him to Brazil, allowed him to meet leaders of industry.

And incidentally, given him an ulcer.

But his health is another story.

The point is he has spent valuable years of his life gambling that his new
skills will get him to another level in his job.

For all that effort he may increase his wage by $20,000 a year.

And yet many players spend $10 a week and hope to do far better than my son
by winning hundreds of millions of dollars.

With almost no work.

They are misguided, but here's why you shouldn't give up hope...

Read my new post: "Kick The $10 Lotto Ticket Habit ..." at

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Make Every Playday a Payday!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners Since 1991"

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