Subject: LOTTO DAILY - How To Get Rich... Really.

You're getting this newsletter because you subscribed to my
Lotto-Tips ezine or took the Millionaire Quiz. You can also see
past issues posted on my blog at Enjoy!

Hi Friend,

Are you ready to change the way you live, and to make 2010 your
best year yet?

A nice big lottery win would certainly do that :-)

But while you're waiting, instead of twiddling your fingers...
you can be earning.

By earning, I mean making enough of the "green folding paper" to
help with your lotto investment in each game. It's like playing
for nothing.

Or even to go big... such as one affiliate does with my system,
to earn over $30,000 a year.

Here's what you do:

First, I have a limited offer for you... but you must move fast.
A few hours ago I'd already sent e-mails to my affiliate list at
the Lotto Affiliate Center (

Maybe some of them are asleep :-) and you'll get lucky.

It's about my Lotto Mini-Website. I stopped producing it a
couple of days ago because it takes a lot of time.

But a number of people protested, and so I'm going to release
only 5 more to the world.

Then I'll take a well-deserved break.

So click over there as quickly as you can:

There's only 5, and I haven't checked my orders yet... it could
be less.

Now to the next reward...

Unless you've been sitting under a rock for the last few days,
you'll know by now that I've released a new product: The
SlimWinner Plan.

It's a major change to all the other diet plans out there.

And it's selling well, as I expected.

But here's the best part. When you buy my SlimWinner Plan, you
also qualify as an affiliate for it.

That means you can sell it to others through my website, and get
a whopping 60% commission on each sale.

Look, fat loss is a huge market.

Especially for baby boomers, who are emerging fatter than ever -
because they're more content with life.

They also don't exercise as much, and eat the wrong foods. And
already it is reducing their quality of life.

I'm a prime example, and it's the reason I founded the
SlimWinner Plan. I was overweight. I lacked energy. And if I
continued, a number of major functions would fail.

But even a few days into my specialized plan, I dropped pounds
(6lbs in 7 days), and my eyesight improved.

I no longer had to wear the 2.5 strength reading glasses, but am
now down to 1.0.

So diet and weight affects almost everything we do.

And you don't have to be old to benefit from it... the
SlimWinner Plan is for anyone who's overweight.

All this makes an enormous market - which will boom in the next
couple of years!

You and I are going to be there.

At the back of the SlimWinner Plan you'll see a link that will
send you to the affiliate page. It's packed with useful and
easy-to-use information. And you can start right now.

But you got to start now. 2010 is looming, and I want to share
this year with you as the best in our lives... both for health
and for profit.

Where do you start?

1. Buy a Lotto Mini-Website:
While you're waiting for that to be set up for you (about 48

2. Buy the SlimWinner Plan: Start by
getting thin, and end up by getting rich! :-)

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
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