Subject: LOTTO DAILY--How This $7.80 Per Month Membership Will Pay For Itself Thousands Of Times Over

You're receiving this daily email because you want to win the lottery and
you signed up at one of my websites. Enjoy!

See this week's lottery predictions free at my
Lotto Life blog at the bottom of each post.

Go here now:

I've just completed the predictions for this week's play for 153 game days

Members can log-in here:

That's pretty much all lottery games, except for those in languages other
than English.

So your game is likely to be there.

The Lotto-80 system is a membership site, and it's easy to join.

Then you have 24/7 access to your game whenever you need it.

And the good thing - if you move upcountry, or to another city and change
games, there's no extra cost - you can see all 153 game days without

Now, most days I put up a trial prediction of three games. You find them
under most Lotto Life blog posts.

That's just a teaser - they tell you what game in the coming week has a
good chance of matching with your Silver Lotto System numbers.

But if you're really serious about playing the lottery (and you should be),
then the membership price is a real killer.

It's a crazy $7.80 a MONTH.

Most people ask why it's that cheap. They think there's little value in
something that cost so little.

Well, here's why - even at that price there's enough members to pay for my
hours of work on the research.

I don't mind working for peanuts.

It's just one of the benefits I like to share with my Silverites.

So don't be shy, click the link and sign up on our
super-safe order site.

In less than a minute you'll be finding out why you'll save more money in a
single game than you'll spend on a year's Lotto-80 subscription!

That's why it's really worth your while.

See today's free predictions here at

Join the Lotto-80 Membership here:

Want to see if you won? Check out your game's winning results here:

And don't forget to see sample free predicted games from my Lotto-80
membership site:

If you want to get started right now on winning the lottery, do these 3

1. Buy the Silver Lotto System to get started:
2. Buy the Lotto-80 System to make your game more productive:
3. Get the PRO Custom Profiles to help you get the most from every game:

And why not share this newsletter with friends or family who want to be
lotto-rich? Click 'Forward' to send it to them, or email them this link to
sign up:

Make Every Playday a Payday!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners Since 1991"
Instant Help:


My Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since 1991, and on
special today:

Custom Profiles: Don't want to fill out your Silver Lotto System yourself?
I'll do them for you:

My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System: Lets you choose the best time to play
for just the price of a hamburger a month:

Silver Lotto PRO System: Use the Silver Lotto System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom
Profiles to ramp up the expected winning percentage to an amazing 98% for
me and others:

My Lotto Syndicate: Get 4,200 lines for the same price as 14 lines, played
for you. You don't have to do a thing:

Copyright ©2013 Ken Silver
All Rights Reserved (but you can share it round intact!)

You're receiving this daily email because you want to win the lottery and
you signed up at one of my websites. Every article helps you win faster and
easier, or tells you something useful you didn't know. But if you want to
lose the most informative and entertaining lottery newsletter available,
unsubscribe below. Or better still, use your email's filters to send these
newsletters to a folder to look at later. Because I guarantee you'll be
needing this if you ever want to win the lottery!