Subject: LOTTO-DAILY--How I Wish-And-Win My Dream Cars: The 4 Easy Steps Everyone Can Copy

I've released free lotto predictions on my blog
today from my secret Lotto-80 membership site!

Take a look here:

Just over a year ago I took delivery of one of the luxurious,
smoothest and fastest sports cars in the world, a Bentley
Continental GT.

It's one of a succession of high-end exotic cars I've desired and
bought, like my Aston Martin Vanquish and Mercedes SL600.

If you've ever seen one - or been lucky enough to ride in a Bentley
- you'll know they have the most quiet, sumptuous interiors of
any car on the planet. Leather and wood everywhere. No plastic

That's why these low slung beauties are bought by celebrities
like Paris Hilton, Ryan Seacrest, Kim Kardashian, David Beckham -
and even the more discerning leaders of industry and go-getters
on Wall Street.

And little ol' me :)

I celebrated the anniversary of this dark blue beauty by taking
it out for a joyride. Have you ever been stared at? Take any of
my cars out on a drive and you'll get this experience at every
mile. I'm used to having cars pull in behind me, or take an age
to pass, as the occupants take a long look at the shining
paintwork and sleek lines.

What I want to explain to you now is how I got another of the
best sports cars in the world into my garage. And too, how you
can get most things you desire - including winning a large
lottery jackpot.

After all, winning the lottery is what we're here for.

And these are tips you can start right now. Because you don't
have to wait until someone gives you permission when to kickstart
your own success. As I've mentioned in previous newsletters, you
should act NOW and forget the rules that others set for you.

Don't wait till the year starts, or next Monday, or when
something has run out... Do It Now!

There are 4 main criteria for getting what you want. Whether it's
winning the lottery or getting a new car like me, these are the
steps you need to take to get there.

But first, don't confuse my steps with positive thinking
mumbo-jumbo. While I'm a glass-half-full optimist, the reality is
that my dreams are fulfilled ONLY by me taking certain steps.

Nothing in life appears like magic - although it might seem that
way to some folk looking in from the outside.

Magical thinking - where you sit back for 10 minutes a day and
think about your quest - is fine occasionally. But there are
certain action steps you need to take to getting what you want.

Everything you want can be attained if you construct and follow
these Wish-And-Win steps in sequence:

STEP #1: Know What You Want.
How does an airliner reach another airport on the other side of
the world? It has a destination. Where would it be without a
destination? Probably anywhere the captain wants to take a rest
from flying. Poor passengers if it's the ocean! Do you see how
important it is to know what you want? It's pretty obvious, isn't

That's why I'm not going to explain this simple step in any more
detail. If you want a new car, then make sure you KNOW what you
want, else the next steps are useless.

I have wanted my Bentley since this model was introduced in 2003.
When I looked back at all my internet bookmarks for cars, I can
see I started collecting information on this particular model a
year or two after they came out. Now, back then I didn't actually
believe I could own one. Because as little as 7 years ago I was
still a bit timid in my thinking. My plans were mediocre, my
modest achievements were accomplished already. Acquiring anything
like this exotic machine - owned by milllionaires and the
super-rich - seemed too remote, too unobtainable for me.

But since then I have gained confidence with smaller purchases,
until today I truly believe I can achieve anything I want.
Really. The evidence of that belief is sitting in my garage right
now, the envy of the neighborhood.

I had a goal. I knew what I wanted. That's your first step too.

STEP #2: Imagine Your Success.
Since you haven't got your flash car, new job, new house or freed
yourself of debt yet, all you can do is imagine what it would be
like having done all these. It doesn't matter how you do it. Just

I collected photos of the car I want and use it as a screensaver on
all 6 of my computer screens. I sometimes buy a realistic model
and position it where I can see it whenever I pass by. One person
even wrote a milllion-dollar check out to themselves and put a
date on it!

There are many ways to visualize your goal, and the secret is to
bring every sense to bear on it... smell the leather, dream the
drive.... imagine yourself pulling in to the filling station,
cashing the big bucks check.

So imagine your goal already attained and live it for a few
minutes whenever you have a moment. Do it often. Daydream a
little and often, daily.

STEP #3: Don't Stand Back.
Some years ago I had a friend who got a lot done. He was known as
Mr Action, and he achieved more than the rest of us in our group.
He was talking to me a while back, asking if I know anyone who
had a particular gemstone he wanted. I didn't know anyone, but I
asked him why he would contact me - a writer who knew nothing
about precious stones.

His answer was revealing. "Ken, I ask everyone," he said. "Even if they
don't have any interest or connection with what I want, I ask anyway."

He continued: "You'd be amazed at how many people know someone
else who could help me. All I have to do is put my question in
their mind."

Instead of asking friends if they had a gemstone, his approach
was to ask if they knew anyone who did. The results were
amazing... and he got more contacts than anyone I knew. Move
forward with your goal and get connected with anyone you think
can help - and even those you think who can't. Ask them if they
know anyone who can help you.

STEP #4: Take Relentless Focused Action.
I ordered my Bentley well before I was ready to pay for it.
That's right. I had spent my money elsewhere and I wasn't ready
to buy, but I decided it was time to take action.

So I called the salesman and asked him to phone me when a Bentley
with the specifications I wanted came in. Then I kept reminding
him whenever I got the chance, slipping it into the conversation.
I told him I was waiting on his call.

That happened to be a couple months later. He phoned me with a
lead, and it was the perfect color combo and year I wanted.

(By the way, I don't buy cars new... the depreciation is huge in
the first couple of years. Better to let some rich owner take
that loss instead of you).

So all the pieces in the purchase lined up, and I was able to
complete the deal and drive it home that afternoon.

I can't stress how important ALL these steps are to your progress
for winning the lottery in 2012. I'm not alone... many successful
people take these steps, knowingly or unknowingly. It is an
essential sequence that leads to your goals faster than you

#1. Determine your game and stick to it. Don't get sidetracked!

#2. Imagine yourself winning. This is important to keep your
enthusiasm going when the wins are slow or low.

#3. Don't wait until conditions are perfect. Every week you miss
playing, you miss winning!

#4. Take RFA... Relentless Focused Action. Hammer away until you
win. Don't let anyone get in your way.

Now get started! Put everything into place and never give up!

It's sunny here, and I'm just off for a drive. Now, which car
shall I take? :)

Hi Ken,
I just want to quickly let you know I've been
using your system for 3 weeks now and am
astounded at the results so far! Nothing huge
yet, but Ive won 4 div.5 and 3 div.4, better than
I've done ever and I've been playing for years...
Thanks for your time, and your amazing
lotto system!

V Moore (address supplied)

If you've won any prize using my system - share your good fortune
with us here:

And don't forget to see today's predicted games from my secret
Lotto-80 membership site here:

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Make Every Playday a Payday!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners Since 1991"
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My Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since
1991, and on Special today:

Custom Profiles: Don't want to fill out your Silver Lotto System
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My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System: Lets you choose the best time
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ABOUT ME: Ken Silver

I've been selling my ebooks online since 1995 and helping others
achieve lottery success through my best-selling Silver Lotto
System, a unique program which I developed in 1991. There are
hundreds of testimonials on my websites which prove that anyone
can win a lottery prize in almost every lotto game in the world
using my systems.

I've also written several top-selling ebooks in other markets,
including the million-seller "eBook Secrets."

If you have bought one of my systems and want to resell my
products, see my Lotto Affiliate Center at There's a heap of
info and tools to use there. I give a commission to all my
affiliates of 75% - the highest currently available, and paid out
by 100% reliable ClickBank so you never have to worry.

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