Subject: LOTTO DAILY-- How $7.95 Makes You $100,000.00

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A reader emailed me today and asked: "Ken, is your $7-a-month Lotto-80 System going to help me win?"

The answer is obviously yes, otherwise I'd be doing something else with my life.

Fiona confirms this too:

"MAJOR PRIZE WON - I GOT $100,000.00!"
I won $100,000 using your Silver Lotto System and
the clever Lotto-80 system. Its been the biggest
amount I've won since I bought your systems a
couple of years ago, but I never paid out more
than $1,000 so its been a real bonus.
Fiona.B. (fio********

But - I don't know WHEN it will help you win... no-one knows that.

Nobody can predict winning numbers.

But my Lotto-80 System bumps up your chances like crazy.

It gives you a 92% win chance, and when you use it with my Silver Lotto PRO System (see below), that jumps to a mind-boggling 99% odds advantage.

Here's why...

Let's say you had $20 a week to play lotto, over a month.

And because of the unpredictability of numbers, let's say only 1 week in the month gave the winning pattern that matched your Silver Lotto System numbers.

The other 3 weeks are truly a big miss.

Playing those would be throwing your dollars away.

Unless you had a method that matched the good week and the bad ones with the right number combo's.

Investing $7.95 a month with the Lotto-80 System to use all of those 4 weeks most effectively is the way to go.

In other words, you're spending just $7.95 to know when to play... whether a good week or bad.

You save mo.ney by not wasting it on unproductive weeks.

And maybe get $100,000.00 like Fiona.

That makes sense, doesn't it?

Get going!

The Lotto-80 System will help you like crazy right now:

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"

Want the most from my systems?
Start buying from No.1 for top results!...

1. My Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since 1991, and on Special Today with $57 off:

2. My Customized Lotto Numbers (excellent quick start for your game):

3. My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System: Gets you the best advantage every game with an easy red and green light play indicator.

4. Silver Lotto PRO System: A combination of the Silver Lotto System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles that shoots the expected winning percentage to an amazing 99%.

5. My PowerSpread System: Specialized Silver Lotto System for USA and Australian Powerball.

6. My Lotto Syndicate: Get 4,200 lines for the same price as 14 lines - played for you. You don't have to do a thing except wait for your share.

To unsubscribe, please click the link below... but remember just receiving it is keeping you in the draw for a new Silver Lotto System, or your money-back if you already have bought it.