Subject: LOTTO-DAILY--For Your Eyes Only

You're getting my Lotto-Tips because you bought from me
(thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all issues on my blog at Enjoy!

This is a special advance announcement for your eyes only,
before it hits the rest of my nearly 100,000 subscribers.

This is the first time I have offered the Rights for this

I'm not sure whether I'll offer any other license to a product
of mine in this way, so it's a chance to get in first...

I'm making the Authorized Rights for my Powerball System

So, what are these Rights I'm talking about?

Here's a quick explanation...

As you know, if you're an affiliate of my Silver Lotto System,
you get a 60% commission on every product sold.

And you generally have to promote it yourself with various
traffic-building methods I show you.

So how would you like to have all this done for you, PLUS get
all the sale price as well?

With the Powerball System Rights, you get two major benefits
that allow you to start making a good living from affiliate

1. You get the full price of the product to keep. That's all of
the US$67 per sale, less about $5 in credit card costs. But the
main advantage is this...

2. I will promote the System for you.

It's the second benefit that I want to talk about, because it is
the link to your success...

We work as partners, but I do all the work!

You see, getting visitors and traffic to a website is a hard job
for many people.

And because you can't use Adwords or Adsense for this product,
building traffic can be slow.

You can do it with my Traffic Builder system, and that does

But if you want a fully autopilot income, then someone else
needs to work it for you.

That's why these kind of oppportunities are snapped up by
investors world-wide.

There's no better in.come than having the owner of a product
promote it for you.

Not even a franchise does that - you have to work in it yourself
- but here I do that for you.

There's other benefits too... no support issues, no handling
finances - sales just gets banked into your account, no updating
products or selling material.

In fact, it could be a licence to print m.oney.

Do nothing, and bank your profits.

Now, the good thing is that here you get a website that has been
working since 2007, with a product that works for Powerball like
a dream, and automatic income that can be increased a lot.

Go over to

There's a lot of info there to help you understand exactly why
this is such a great deal.

If you have questions, reply to this email. I'll answer as soon
as I can.

This is the first time I have offered anything like this, and it
may not happen again, so I expect a LOT of interest.

But there can be only one lucky buyer!

Take a look now:

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"

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