Subject: LOTTO DAILY - Don't Read This If You Are Easily Offended

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I wrote this a year ago, and since someone said I should air it
again, here it is. (Yes, I'm that easily influenced! :)

WARNING: It's controversial, and only a couple of readers of the
tens of thousands on this list will truly "get it." If that's
you, then maybe you'll benefit from my slanted comment - maybe
you won't. But it will give you something to think about.

---7 Ways To Riches---

What I'm about to say here is totally opposite to everything
you've been told to believe when it comes to getting mon-ey.

My views and action steps here will get some folk hopping mad.

Especially with expensive Xmas on our doorstep.

I don't care.

Because you need to realize we are all being manipulated to
achieve less than we're really worth.

And once you see how that's happening, you can change your life

Even in these negative times of jobs, housing and gas price
stress, you can change your life around 180 degrees in an
instant, and live happy.

A rich mind is just a mindset, and I'm going to tell you what I
do to rise above these current problems.

I started thinking about this when I recently came across one of
many websites that seeks to pull me down to the dull level of
unthinking masses... people who are unable to think for
themselves and who use the popular media to do their thinking

I got mad.

Because success in any field is not made by the average Joe
doing average stuff. It is made by the contrarian thinker who
takes action, who ignores the media viewpoint to become wealthy
beyond the rest of their neighborhood.

Could you change your mindset and realize your true worth?

I have done it, and I'll tell you how.

Sometimes it takes a little motivation - like completely
ignoring people who suggest you can save a penny here and a cent
there by buying soap powder in bulk. Who also say you can become
a millionaire by wasting your life putting 10% away in a
compounding account and waiting 30 years.

What! I can't wait 30 minutes for my wealth. I could die any
minute. All those years wasted for nothing!

I'm tired of well intentioned do-gooders trying to make us
scrape by on a penny... to convert us to their own poverty

Here’s some of their twisted thinking:

- Stop buying cars, they say, it will drive you broke with
depreciation and running costs. As for expensive cars, they
aren't necessary, you only need to get from A to B, right?
People treat you differently when you drive a quality car
I said 'quality'. It doesn't need to be expensive, for now. Even
a 20 year-old Mercedes in nice condition will do). A quality
is a magical experience. Ask anyone who has ridden in a Rolls
Royce. Why should you settle for less! People with low
self-esteem can drive anything. Notice they also dress poorly
have worn out shoes. Owning a good car is essential to boosting
your well being. A car liberates you, and defines you. Taking a
train or bus will just keep you grounded in poverty thinking.

- You only need a 1,000 sq ft home, they say, and wow - look
what you save on maintenance and taxes. Wrong! I gladly pay a
small fortune for my large house upkeep because I'm enjoying
every minute of it. I happily make the financial sacrifice. Know
what defines the rich from the poor, apart from money? Space.
more you have, the better you live.

- The best things in life are free, the saying goes. Nope. Your
family - the best 'free' thing we all have - will still visit
in your rundown slum in a swamp on the edge of a nuclear plant
development. But wouldn't they prefer to play tennis on your
double area courts, take a hike round your 200 acre wooded back
yard, swim in your Olympic size pool? You bet. Your family will
still love you for free, rich or poor. So why not aim for rich?

Are you proud of having the biggest pile of grocery vouchers in
your street? Are you overjoyed when you score a bonus point on
your loyalty card? (Just 999 points to go for a free egg whisk!)
Do you forage the local tip for stuff you can use in your own
home to save buying it?

Get real.

Free stuff is good for meeting low expectations.

Listen, penny-pinching depresses you and keeps you at a low
level of achievement.

When you're on the breadline, everything looks like bread. When
you live at this lower level, your mind shrinks to adapt to it.

By contrast I have a rich mentality. So I never do these things:

- I never look at the petrol pump prices.
- I never know what food costs. I just buy what I need.
- I never worry where the money will come from. It always does.
- I rarely question the price of things. But I will try for a
bargain where I can. Saved 10% (that's $20,000 I got back) on my
recent new Lexus by buying clever.
- I always pay a good tradesman their worth without a quibble.

The point is this - you and I are not going to get vast millions
by spending on a $2 lotto ticket each month. You need to change
your mindset and earn more so you can buy more tickets.

More tickets means more chances.

It's time to step up to the plate and go for gold! Here's some
crazy ideas for you to get started earning and thinking big in
your new life:

1- Buy an expensive watch.
Even if you own nothing else, get a good watch for the simple
fact that it will inspire you. It's a mobile symbol of your
expectation. Every time you look at it, you'll think about the
good life it represents. That constant trigger will give you
incentive to get moving, get earning more, spending more on
lotto. A few years back I bought my wife a Omega watch to match
mine. Hers is a Cindy Crawford model with umpteen diamonds worth
three times the value of mine. Mine is an Omega Constellation, a
more modest watch. I'm not a flashy person by nature.
Interestingly, whenever I look at her watch, I think about what
need to do to drive up my own income further.

2- Fill your wallet with cash.
What's the amount of folding paper that scares you to have in
your wallet? $50? $200? $500? Choose the amount that makes you
nervous, and keep it in your wallet. Guess what? After a while,
you'll start to feel good about it. You won't be worried about
being caught away from an ATM or bank. You'll be able to
negotiate with sellers - offer them either a creditcard, or a
lower cash amount. You'll be surprised how low you can go with
cash. But the best result of this move is that you'll feel rich,
very rich. Cash is king. It's tangible. Just don't flash it

3- Live beyond your means.
There's nothing that inspires me more than to get up each
morning and find ways to get a bigger mortgage. I'm living in my
dream house, but I have a better one lined up. Just need a few
million more to acquire it. And having a big commitment makes me
work smarter, buy more lotto tickets. Don't listen to Suzy Orman
or any other number of 'sensible' financial advisors who
ordinary advice. They're only trying to bring you down to the
masses way of thinking, and keep you poor and compliant.

4- Don't have a rainy day reserve fund.
What's the point of having money if you don’t use it? It's
useless sitting there, gathering a tiny few percent in interest.
Instead, take out a creditcard with a limit that allows you to
live for 6 months, and keep it in a safe place. Don't ever use
unless in an emergency. That's your rainy day fund, and it only
costs you $35/yr. Better than having $10,000 in savings which
could buy you any number of fancy things right now. We've got
two, and I'm putting a third one away as I speak. It's a great

5- Change your job to sales.
Working for $15/hr? That's peanuts. You're exchanging time for
money and you'll never climb out of the pit. Because what
when you run out of time to work? Simple - you limit your
Say you work in a widget factory and can produce 1 widget an
hour. You get paid $15 an hour to do that. How are you going to
increase your income? You can't! Sell the widgets instead. If
sold 10 widgets at $100 each - hey, that's $1,000 an hour! Could
you sell 100 widget? That's $10,00 an hour! See the difference?
Unlimited thinking is the key.

6- Write your goals daily.
Set extreme goals and confirm them in writing EVERY DAY, in the
morning - to set the pattern for the day ahead. Do one thing
towards your goal each day. Remember "The Secret"...that book
that swept the world a while back? Though much of it was
marketing twaddle, one of the most important parts was the goal
setting through writing. For some reason the mind works on your
written desires and brings them to fulfillment. It works for me
all the time, and I don't know why or how. Like me, just do it
and believe it will happen.

7- Tithe.
Tithing works. It doesn't have to be money you give away. You
can also quit your unused possessions. We gave away a perfectly
good clothes drier recently to my wife's church, and someone
right now is giving thanks for it. Money is just more
Here's how tithing really works. Forget the spiritual rubbish
about 'the universe' giving stuff back to you because you tithe.
The reality is that by giving money or stuff away, you are
subconsciously acknowledging that you are in fact wealthy enough
to do it. That is an important boost to the ego, and before you
know it, you're doing more, taking more risk, living more fully.
The fear of not having enough wealth is driven out when you give
money or items away with a glad heart. It works on YOU.

Why am I suggesting these wacky 7 strategies?

Because unless you are able to play more than the average
$10/week that most other lotto players spend, you're going
nowhere fast.

The more you spend, the faster your odds improve.

It's simple maths. Accelerate everything in your life and you
get there faster... whether it's success in your sales job, or
winning lotteries.

Should you take any of my advice?

Only a privileged few reading this are mentally capable of using
this information wisely. The rest will end up poorer and in
And blaming me for it.

Is that you? Only you know.

If you have any doubts, or lack vision, give up now. Keep buying
your $1/week lotto ticket and maybe win it back, or maybe not.
least you'll be safe and secure and your life will be
in the rut you're in.

To sum it up:

- You need to increase your income to be able to afford more
lotto tickets.
- Even if your winnings are slow to start, at least your income
will be working towards getting you to most powerful position in
the world - your own independence and personal freedom.
- Ignore conventional thinking. It will severely limit your
earning opportunities.

Up to you now!

If you haven't bought my basic Silver Lotto System yet, don't
miss the special price reduction if you buy today:

Looking for the quickest way to get ahead? Use my Silver Lotto
PRO System:

Do it now! Take action!

See how others have taken action in various lotteries through
these testimonies:

- $3.2 Million by Maher M... a 6th share.
- $281,183.00 by Robert Whelan.
- $175,000.00 miss by Larry... sadly an accident stopped him
from buying his winning tickets.
- $100,000.00 by Ron B.
- $100,000.00 by Phil F.
- $70,634.60.00 on the Canada 6/49 by Murray B.
- Numerous smaller wins of up to $50,000.00 by many Silverites
(buyers of my system)

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
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