Subject: LOTTO DAILY-- Does This Number Scare You?

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If you ever stepped into our lounge and listened to my wife and I talk, you could be forgiven for thinking we were from another planet.

We talk in a secret code.

Not just the familiar banter that people who have lived with each other for nearly 40 years do.

But a weird kind of abbreviation.

My wife would ask: "How much was the Lexus servicing this time dear?"

"Seven eighty," I would reply absent-mindedly, as I continued to file my nails (more on that strange action shortly!)

A few minutes later I would look up from the real estate section of the paper and exclaim: "I can't believe they want over two for that place. It doesn't even have a lift!"

"And look at this property - they want one point three for it."

And so it goes on.

Have you guessed what we do?

Yes, we abbreviate m-oney terms.

"Seven eighty" is seven hundred and eighty dolllars.
"Two" is two milllion dollars.
"one point three" is one milllion three hundred thousand dolllars.

We diminish the power of numbers so they don't scare us.

And we do that by abbreviating them.

It's quite common for moneyed folks to act in this way.

I first heard about it several decades ago after a prominent real estate investor was interviewed.

He talked about reducing the power of numbers to scare him... by just talking bare figures and leaving out the "x milllion dollars" description.

"If I thought about the real impact of the amount as dollars," he was quoted as saying, "I wouldn't be brave enough to get out of bed each day."

What the abbreviation does is quite extraordinary.

It removes the mental benchmarks we all have in our heads.

Like this...

Many folk on regular wages see their annual income as the largest amount they are familiar with. So that $40,000 becomes their mindset... the amount that represents a ceiling in their mental adjustment.

When it comes to buying a house worth many time more than this benchmark, they become nervous.

With lotttery winnings, it's almost impossible to comprehend the impact of many tens or hundreds of milllions of dollars will have on our lifestyle.

So we give up striving for it.

For you to move ahead financially - to stop getting paralyzed with fear every time you imagine spending milllions of greenbacks in one shot - you need to disassociate yourself from the physical amount.

Think of it merely as an abstract figure.

Then it won't be so scary.

Something else that's not too scary is this: how about fifty-seven off the Silver Lotto System for today? (Now you know what I'm talking about!)

Get it here:

Or if you already have it, you've nearly got everything you need for the PRO System - which ramps your winning rate up to a crazy 98%:

P.S. If you wonder why I file my nails, I play the classical guitar, rock style. And I've just finished an enjoyable half-hour of music before I'm about go down to my local lotto outlet to get my tickets checked. What are you doing right now? Worrying about your dead-end job starting tomorrow? You know what to do about it!

Step 1. Get my Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since 1991, and on Special Today with 57.00 off:

Step 2. My Customized Lotto Numbers are an excellent quick start for your game:

Step 3. My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System gets you the best advantage every game with an easy red and green light play indicator:

Step 4. Silver Lotto PRO System is a combination of the Silver Lotto System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles that shoots the expected winning percentage to an amazing 99%:

Step 5. My PowerSpread System: Specialized Silver Lotto System is specially designed for winning the USA and Australian Powerball.

Step 6. My Winner's Circle Lotto Syndicate gets you 4,200 lines for the same price as 13 lines - and it's played for you. You don't have to do a thing except wait for your share:

Step 7. Be a high inc.ome affiliate:

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
Silver Lotto System

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