Subject: LOTTO-DAILY--Do You Make These 7 Disastrous Bloopers Playing The Lottery?

I've released free lottery predictions on my blog
today from my secret Lotto-80 membership site!

Take a look here:

I've made plenty of mistakes. There was the time I shut the door
on a visitor thinking she was a sales person. Only to find out
later - via an official letter from one of our government
departments - that she was an official on business. Oops.

I didn't learn. A few years later I refused to come to the door
when someone asked for a charity donation via my doorphone.

Turned out they were neighbors from down the road getting funds
for their school. Oops again.

At least they got a sizable guilt donation from me on their next

These mistakes were inexcusable because I should have known
better. But we can also make expensive mistakes without knowing

And that might cost us a lottery win.

Paris Hilton's dad, hotel chain owner Conrad Hilton, once said:
"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep
moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." (I'm also sure
he meant women too).

What's your lottery blooper count? How do you measure up to these
7 common mistakes in lotto?

BLOOPER #1. Not being brave enough.
Are you a timid person financially? Do you dither in the
supermarket over which packet of cereal you should have? Now's
the time to change your attitude. The Silver Lotto System works
OK with say, 5 bucks worth of tickets. But it works even better
with $50. That's because your return is greater when you give it
a bigger chance. Don't hold back. Take a bold step for the next
game and give it your best shot by adding more money to the mix.
You'll be surprised at what comes back to you.

BLOOPER #2. Jumping all over the place.
One week you'll use the first 20 lines from your Profiles, and
the next week you'll use from 20 to 40. Then you'll split between
the two, or take another game altogether. Strategy-wise, it's
like trying to corral a herd of cats. You're spreading yourself
thin, and that never works. Stick to your knitting. Follow the
path of enlightenment - the Silver Lotto System instructions -
and stay focused on one game only.

BLOOPER #3. Playing too early in the week.
One of the fun things in playing the lottery game is
anticipation. It's thinking each day how you will spend your
winnings. If you purchase your tickets too early in the week,
that excitement is lost. Leave it until the day of play to give
you that shivery feeling of excitement of deciding where to spend
your next $30 milllion!

BLOOPER #4. Adding a random number or two.
Some people spy an apparent 'hole' in my system. They think it
doesn't look right for some reason, and decide to add their own
version. Sometimes they think the system will look a bit odd -
even split away from the rules on other times. Don't worry, it's
intentional. Trust and play. Don't put in your street number, a
hot number from the horoscope, or that license plate number from
a red car passing by exactly on noon. It won't do you any good.
Follow the instructions.

BLOOPER #5. Not celebrating your victories.
A lot of players think a $20 winning is no big deal. Maybe
they've come to expect larger prizes with my system. But look at
it this way - you are doing well to get even that. You are
competing against odds that are truly astronomical... 1 in 70
million sometimes in the big games. If NASA though the odds of
getting to the moon were more than 1 in 2, they wouldn't have
sent their astronauts there. And yet your odds are so massive
that it is a miracle your numbers ever match. So when they do,
you've got a true cause to celebrate. You have just beaten off 70
million other number combinations to get your 20 bucks.
Celebrate, enjoy! It's all good practice - especially when it
becomes $20 million!

BLOOPER #6. Not staying in the game.
Play a game. Play the next same game. Repeat until winning.
Simple, ain't it!

BLOOPER #7. Overplaying and overspending.
Never get into debt. Don't borrow to play. Don't spend the
housekeeping. Only spend what you can afford, otherwise you'll
feel guilty at your first 'loss' and decide to play less or give
up altogether. Balance it up.

BLOOPER #8. (Bonus number for reading thus far!) Waiting too long
to play.
My testimonial pages are riddled with stories of players who
didn't play, or played too late. These two lost over $1.5 million
dollars between them!

After taking tickets of the same series for some time,... I
decided to extend out to a much larger number of entries. This
was what Ken had been saying so I followed instructions. Now I
needed to get organised quickly and cut to the chase, buy the
tickets and watch the results. I did get organised but alas I let
that fateful night go by when I did not buy and the prize pool
meant that $1M would have been won as my first line of numbers
came up.
Lester R.

If I have came across your system 6 months ago, I would be half a
million dollars richer today!!! In between, I did won some small
prize winnings. It's easy and enjoy using it. I'm now convinced
and will continue to use your fantastic Silver Lotto system and
start to recommend this wonderful system to my friends through
your sales affiliate program.
John Tay

The biggest blooper is not starting. Have you got the Silver
Lotto System yet? Here's my suggestion:

1. Buy the Silver Lotto System to get started:

2. Buy the Lotto-80 System to make your game more productive:

3. Get the PRO Custom Profiles to help you get the most from
every game:

Visit my blog at and get involved:

- If you've won any prize using my system, share your good
fortune with us here:
- Check out your game's winning results here (new free service):
- Don't forget to see today's predicted games from my secret
Lotto-80 membership site here:

Follow me on Twitter:

Make Every Playday a Payday!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners Since 1991"
Instant Help:

Enjoyed these tips? Why not share this newsletter with friends or
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My Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since
1991, and on special today:

Custom Profiles: Don't want to fill out your Silver Lotto System
yourself? I'll do them for you:

My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System: Lets you choose the best time
to enter every game with an easy red and green light play
indicator... for just the price of a hamburger a month:

Silver Lotto PRO System: A combination of the Silver Lotto
System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles that shoots the expected
winning percentage to an amazing 98% for me:

My PowerSpread System: Specialized Silver Lotto System for USA
and Australian Powerball:

My Lotto Syndicate: Get 4,200 lines for the same price as 14
lines, played for you. You don't have to do a thing:

ABOUT ME: Ken Silver

I've been selling my ebooks online since 1995 and helping others
achieve lottery success through my best-selling Silver Lotto
System, a unique program which I developed in 1991. There are
many hundreds of testimonials on my websites which prove that
anyone can win a lottery prize in almost every lotto game in the
world using my systems.

I've also written several top-selling ebooks in other markets,
including the million-seller "eBook Secrets."

If you have bought one of my systems and want to resell my
products, see my Lotto Affiliate Center at There's a heap of
info and tools to use there. I give a commission to all my
affiliates of 75% - the highest currently available, and paid out
by 100%-reliable ClickBank, so you never have to worry.

Copyright ©2012 Ken Silver
All Rights Reserved. If you would like to be removed from this
mailing list, please click the link below. If you purchase
anything through a link in this email, you should assume that I
may be paid in some way. Some names and circumstances may have
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