Subject: LOTTO DAILY-- Dave Compared 2 Systems

You're getting my daily Lotto-Tips because you bought from me (thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all 800+ issues on my blog at Enjoy!


Dave sent me this email which exactly points out how a good lottery system should work to save you money:

"Ken, I've been following your newsletters for
a while now, and one thing keeps telling me I've
bought the right system. It's the winnings I
get from it. I used to use (Product Name
Withheld), and every week I'd spend $20. Here's
what I got (last year) over the last 6 months
I played this loser program:
Feb - $12
Mar - $0
Apr - $3
May - $0
Jun - $3
Jul - $0

So I gave up in disgust and bought yours.
Now look at what I got from the Silver lotto
program, I've been playing the same $20 a week:

Aug - $1,178
Sep - $112
Oct - $2,231

It looks like I've made good money, but since
you tell me my ticket purchases are an entry
price for playing the game I've since given
up counting that in. Anyway you see I'm well
ahead and just waiting for the Big One!
Dave J."

Dave has correctly figured out what my system is all about (and wrote the perfect testimony! :)

Since you can't guarantee WHEN a winning jackpot will float into your wallet, you have to make the most of what you've got in the meantime.

This means you should choose a system that drives up your chances as high as possible.

Buying a lottery system is a bit like buying a film camera. (Remember film?) Many years ago I was a pro photographer for 10 years, so I know a lot about film.

Buying a camera is a low-price investment compared to the cost of film you needed for it.

The better shots you get... the less wastage from blurry photos, cut-off heads, red eye shots, missing body parts (urk, sounds like a Halloween movie) - the more valuable your camera becomes to you.

You save by using less film.

It's just the same with a lottery system. The better the system works, the less you pay for your tickets - because you win more with it.

Since you get a 80.3% winning rate with the Silver Lotto System (up to 98% with the PRO System -, it actually saves you muney long term.

Hi Ken,
I bought your system about two years ago,
and I have been a constant winner since.
To date I have won $33,675.00!
My last win was this past Wednesday
when I knocked off another $1,370.00!

(name and email supplied)

P.S. Don't get the wrong idea. It isn't about buying a digital camera! You should be buying my lottery system in these stages:

Take these steps to lotto success:

Step 1. Get my Silver Lotto System... best-seller since 1991, and on Special Today with $57 off:

Step 2. My Customized Lotto Numbers - I make your numbers so you don't have to!:

Step 3. My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System tells you when to play in every game. Easy red and green light indicator:

Step 4. Silver Lotto PRO System... this combination of the Silver Lotto System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles shoots your expected winning percentage to an amazing 99%:

Step 5. My PowerSpread System: get this specialized Silver Lotto System specially designed for winning USA or Australian Powerball:

Step 6. My Winner's Circle Lotto Syndicate gets you 4,200 lines for the same price as 13 lines, played for you automatically. You don't have to do a thing except wait for your winning share:

Do it now to be ready for this weekend's games.

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
Instant Help:

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