Subject: LOTTO DAILY--Are You The One In A 100 Who Deserves To Win The Lottery?

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I’m about to tell you one of the biggest reasons why people don't win the
lottery more often.

Why some winners seem to grab all the wins, and others try - yet get so

And it's this...

Only one in 100 people really play the lottery properly.

Unfortunately many people have various problems that stop them playing

-They have run out of money.
-They only play $10 a time (because a larger amount seems too scary).
-They think it's gambling (it's not... in lotto you only play what you can
-They wonder if they will ever win (they WILL).
-The family visits and they forget to buy tickets.

What's the answer? (It's not just doing the things on the list).

Find out how here: "Are You The One In A 100 ..." at

Want to see if you won? Check out your game's winning results and see
sample free predicted games from my Lotto-80 membership site:

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Make Every Playday a Payday!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners Since 1991"

Copyright ©2013 Ken Silver
All Rights Reserved (but you can share it round intact!)

You're receiving this daily email because you want to win the lottery and
you signed up at one of my websites. Every article helps you win faster and
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