Subject: LOTTO DAILY--11 Ways That Winning Can Change Your Life

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Sometimes I need to remind myself of the advantages of the freedom that money brings. It's easy to take money for granted, but doing without it is a very hard road indeed.

Here's a small list of the ways I benefit from financial freedom - and why you should take every humanly possible step to win your next lotto game and join me.

Even if you're in a tough position financially right now, use these examples to power up your dreams for when you win:

#1. Convenience: My mother-in-law, a gracious lady of 94, broke her glasses. I was able to pop across to her town about 20 minutes drive away, get her out into the big wide world, and have her glasses fixed on the spot.

#2. Family: I have a regular weekly lunch date with one of my daughters who works in the city. If her hours or appointment date changes, I'm flexible enough to pick her up whenever the time suits her.

#3. Fixin' Stuff: When tradesmen call, I'm always home. I never have to take time off to wait for them. And we all know how unreliable some of them are!

#4. Queues: It's been years since I had to stand in a queue. I always shop off-peak or have my groceries delivered, and rarely have to wait in any line for more than a minute or two. It's the perfect example of the freedom of doing only when YOU want to.

#5. Weather: If it's raining I can choose to stay indoors. Gone are the days when I had to trudge in all sorts of weather to get to work.

#6. Work Hours: The days of someone telling me when to get to work, when to take a break, when to meet appointments, when to go home... are over for good. Enough said.

#7. Sunrises: Sometimes the sun rising or setting over our harbor presents a picture that is breathtaking. One day it can be a rich red sky above a glassy sea, and the effect would make an artist weep. I can watch it for as long as I need to, without worrying about getting back to work.

#8. Wallet: Lately I've taken to carrying about $500 in cash in my wallet. Accessible cash gives you immeasurable mental freedom - even in this day of credit. And if it got stolen I wouldn't worry unduly. It's a far cry from the early days when I got shortchanged at a store by $20, and it affected my whole week - my budget was that tight. That's many years ago, thank goodness.

#9. Accounting: Like most entrepreneurs I dislike accounting and the picky financial details involved in managing a business. But I need to be hands-on to make sure I know where my business is heading and where it's been. It's essential to know, but time consuming. To save money, up to a few years ago I filed all my tax returns myself. It was a thankless chore that took days and sometimes weeks each year to achieve. Then I saw the light... I handed it all over to an excellent accounting firm. I now have no worries, and all my time is spent doing things I want instead of tax returns.

#10. ROI: That means Return On Investment. Assuming you win a large lotto prize of $20,000 up, even if you have spent $50 a week for a year, you will not get a bigger or faster return on your money. Not property, not stocks and shares, not business will better it. $50 a week is $2,600 - a lot, for sure. But if you get $200,000, or even $10,000 back, it's only a tiny part of the purchase price. And of course you don't pay it out all at once either... it's dribbled out over the year.

#11. I was watching a TV program of dream homes last night, and saw one large contemporary home with 2 active children which had white interior walls throughout. Gulp. How did they keep them clean? The answer was simple... the owner had them all painted EVERY year!

Don't ever disregard the power of the lottery to make you exceedingly rich and give you undreamed of freedom... far more than the 11 examples I've given you here in my life.

Wouldn't you enjoy that kind of freedom?

Start with Step 1 below...

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"

Step 1. Get my Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since 1991, and on Special Today with $57 off:

Step 2. My Customized Lotto Numbers are an excellent quick start for your game:

Step 3. My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System gets you the best advantage every game with an easy red and green light play indicator:

Step 4. Silver Lotto PRO System is a combination of the Silver Lotto System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles that shoots the expected winning percentage to an amazing 99%:

Step 5. My PowerSpread System: Specialized Silver Lotto System is specially designed for winning the USA and Australian Powerball.

Step 6. My Winner's Circle Lotto Syndicate gets you 4,200 lines for the same price as 14 lines - and it's played for you. You don't have to do a thing except wait for your share:

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