Subject: LOTTO AFFILIATE NEWS--Your Life Is Simple..Mine Is Not

You're getting this because you bought from me (thanks!), or subscribed to the Lotto Affiliate Center newsletter. You can see past issues at Enjoy & Prosper!

Compared to me, you've got it easy! Unlike me, you don't have to:

- develop products
- answer customer questions (sometimes up to 100/day!)
- solve download problems
- update products
- write newsletters (2 a day)
- write blog posts (2 a day)
- update websites (about 30, each with dozens of pages)
- promote your website

When I look at the 8 hour days I spend right now, I want to be like you and become an afffiliate!

Because your life is simple by comparison.

You only need find a way to send traffic to my websites.

One task. Easy.

You only need do the basics... and it's quick easy stuff that you can cram into a spare hour each night after work and the family has gone to bed.

Best of all, you are not alone. I supply you with all the resources to get ahead... websites, blogs, information. You select the profit avenue that you feel most comfortable with, and start applying it consistently.

Then, after maybe a week, maybe a month or two, your effort pays off. You are rewarded with a growing stream of visitors who pay you.

Remember the formula from a couple newsletters back? 100 visitors = 4 sales.

The biggest secret to getting visitors is rewriting my articles.

I suggest you concentrate solely on that form of traffic and visitor promotion for a number of reasons:

1. It's simple and easy to do, just swapping words.
2. I supply the articles - you write nothing.
3. Write once - reap forever. Traffic and visitors keep growing because nothing gets lost on the net!
4. There is a thirst for the kind of quality information I give. Piggyback on my success.
5. Many top sales websites use this style of promotion. Remember the fatloss4idiots we-ightloss success I wrote about a few newsletters back?

So what side of the fence would you prefer to be on... yours or mine? I've done all the hard work you need, now you can ride on my coat tails and start building some serious traffic and sales.

Best of all, it costs nothing but your time.

Take a look at the article section in the Lotto Affiliate Center to get started:

Happy selling!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
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