Subject: LOTTO AFFILIATE NEWS--Why Our ClickBank Refund Rates Are Completely Wrong

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Hi again, Ken Silver here,

Our ClickBank refund rates will shortly slip to 7%. While that's exceptionally good for a product of our type (high buyer expectations, buyers not using product correctly, deliberate tasteless design), it's actually not accurate.

In fact, it is way too high.

This morning I went through the stats on our new Silver Lotto Membership Site, and the figure I ended up with is quite different.

It is actually 4% according to the membership and refunds I calculated.

So why the big difference?

The actual figure is 4% because many refunds are not dissatisfied buyers as you would first assume. In fact most refunds have been from a large percentage who double ordered. That problem will soon be solved as the membership structure overtakes the number of previous ebook buyers who don't realise it's the same product.

Some have bought the wrong product by mistake, such as a Custom Profile instead of the more expensive PRO custom profiles, and didn't know they could swap - so they requested a refund.

Some have cancelled their LottoPredict subscription. This automatically cancels their Silver Lotto System access as well, but all of them still wanted the Silver Lotto System - but just not the subscription service because of cost (I can't bring it down below $11/month, that's hardly worth being in business).

We're talking just a few buyers here - not much at all - but enough to skew the overall numbers.

So when you add up all the reasons for refunds, and the changes I'm making to improve the understanding of how the products work and interact with each other, this 7% figure will drop even further.

It's good news. We're still a very stable company in ClickBank's eyes. Of the 6 refund and chargeback tier levels in the ClickBank chart, we're no.2... just below perfect as ClickBank explains in their charts here:

Here's the whole list, and that's us at #2 in bold:

1. 5% Violet Tier – Highest quality account, great performance, exceptional customer satisfaction
2. 10% Blue Tier – Strong quality account, great performance, strong customer satisfaction
3. 15% Green Tier – New or Good quality with good customer satisfaction
4. 20% Yellow Tier – Some quality issues, these should be identified and corrected
5. 25% Orange Tier – Major quality issues which must be improved
6. 100% Red Tier – Out of compliance with quality standards and must be improved as soon as possible to avoid further action

I accept we may never return to those early days 10-15 years ago where 1-2% refunds were the norm for my products. Today's buyers are cynics, world-weary, suspicious - and will return any product at the slightest hint of a problem. They've been taught to do this by companies such as Amazon and Zappo's with their free shipping returns policy.

It's a challenge, and one I accept with enthusiasm. It's my aim to reduce our low rates even further, and to get below 5% (real) is my target.

My enthusiasm and constant improvement has got to be good for your sales, because refunds can eat into your profits if they're too high.

With that out of the way, now's the time to push the Silver Lotto System for Xmas. From now on buyers will start to get freer with their money, and it's a good period for building top sales.

So get started now and beat the rush!

By the way, did you know you can also see this article - and dozens more on affiliate marketing - in the Affiliate section in my Silver Lotto Membership Site? You need to be a member to view them, but it's the best 39.95 you'll ever spend:

Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
Lotto Affiliate Center:

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