Subject: LOTTO AFFILIATE NEWS--Today I'm Giving You A Raise

You're getting this because you subscribed to the Lotto Affiliate Center newsletter. You can see back issues at Enjoy & Prosper!

Your standard commission rate for my products is 50%.

As of a few minutes ago, I've put it up to 60%.

That means your share is now $21.57 (up from $17.98) for my standard $39.95 product, and $36.58 (up from $30.49) for the $67 Canadian special.

I'm doing this to give you greater incentive to promote the heck out of my products, because:

- they're top sellers.
- they have the lowest refund rates anywhere (less than 2%).
- they work, which means satisfied buyers.

And now I'm giving you a great commission.

Why am I upping the rate after nearly 10 years at 50%?

Simply, it's a bribe - I need you. I need your contacts, your lists potential, your websites, your skills and energy to make the Silver Lotto range among the top-selling lottery products on the planet.

In fact, I've never revealed this publicly before, but I want to triple sales by the end of 2010.

Sales have reached a million dollars right now. Now I want it times 3.

No small goal :)

When we achieve it, imagine the top $60k yearly commission sprouting to nearly $200,000 a year.

Your $2,000 a month growing to $6,000 a month.

This commission raise is just the start of a number of initiatives I have planned for you.

And I want your feedback... I want to know how I can help you achieve more and grow faster.

It may be a question on conversion - maybe you have a high visitor count but they're not converting into sales as you want. Let me know. I can look at your promotion and figure a better way for you.

Or maybe you need a banner in a certain design. I'll look at getting one made for you.

Do you need expert reviews on products that will help you grow?

Just let me know at: kensilver AT Put "Silver Seller" in the subject. That will get directly to me.

Happy selling!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
Lotto Affiliate Center: