Subject: LOTTO AFFILIATE NEWS--The Secret Of The $80,000 Sales Email Revealed

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want to make a fortune selling our products. Enjoy!

Hi again,

Before I reveal the eighty grand secret, you'll be interested to know that
at the moment I'm putting articles in the Affiliate section of the Silver
Lotto Membership Site.

These are written specially for you and the Silver Lotto System, and they
give you lots of info on how to improve your sales.

There's a dozen articles there now, and I'm adding more daily. It's a good
reason why you should subscribe to the Silver Lotto Membership Site: If you are a System owner already, then I'll sign you in for free.

OK, back to business.

Last newsletter I said was going to tell you about one man's secret to
selling over $80,000 of my products in 2 weeks, and grabbing $60,000 for

First, let me give you a little background - otherwise you'll think that
simply putting out a direct copy of his email will make you a fortune too.

It's a little more complex than that, but not impossible for most marketers.

REVEAL: The $80k marketer had a responsive list.

Now, I'm not certain how many active subscribers were on his list. It would
be at least 50,000 and possibly more.

That's not a big list these days. You could easily build a list like this
by buying from a broker.

But here's the advantage this guy had... he had a list that followed his
every command. It was very responsive. Whatever he asked, they obeyed.

After you read his email I'll tell you how to build a similarly
responsive list.

But first, here's the email to look at and study. It's letter-by-letter
accurate... original paragraph returns, typos, gaps - all unchanged.

Just the signature of the sender, a prominent marketer, has been left off.

The asterisks around a sentence shows that the phrase was an affiliate
link. Note how many times the link is used.

And also see the negative selling phrase at the bottom where he says it may
not work for everyone:


SUBJECT: How to win the lottery... (98% win rate)

BODY: You ready for this? What if I told you there was a 100% legal way to
"crack" the lottery (it works for thousands of lottery games all over the
world)? What if this system guaranteed you an ENORMOUSLY HIGHER

No, this doesn't mean you'll win every single time. It's statistically
impossible. BUT, using the system my trusted colleague Ken Silver devised,
thousands of his students have won millions (In fact, one of his students
recently won $3.2 million!)

Seem too good to be true? Follow the link below and read dozens of
real-life success stories from every day people just like you... people who
are actually winning the lottery:

*Click to Discover The World's #1 Lotto System*


P.S. Ken has been doing this for years. He has amassed a personal fortune
with millions. His students have won millions. He boasts a success rate of
98%! And he guarantees your success. This program is fully guaranteed for
60 days or your money back. No Questions asked ...

*Click here to read the real-life success stories*

PPS - I'm not saying this is guaranteed to work for everyone and it could
turn out to be a total waste of time.

Interestingly enough, it's also made some people A LOT of money. And for
that reason, we think it's definitely worth sending you an e-mail about.
You be the judge.

*Go here and decide for yourself*

(Signature block)


The first thing some people say after they read this email is "Is that it?"

They wonder how such a simple email with so little persuasive text could
bring in such enormous sales.

And they're right. Because the secret is in the relationship, not so much
the words.

So here's the secret to his success:

1. He started with a list of responsive and active readers. If you love
what you do and provide value, people will respond to you without question.
It's the relationship that makes the sales. For example it's because I put
so much of my own personal life into my emails that gets me a similar high
response from my list. Connect, and get personal!

2. He does not sell all the time. Some marketers stick by a ratio like 4
emails of solid information, then 1 sales email. I'm not sure that is a
perfect recipe because it all depends how powerful the emails are. But it
shows that you can't throw sales emails at your audience 100% of the time
and expect them to love you for it.

3. He made it short. There's a time for long pages of information, but
that's generally for the sales page. Notice here the writer titillates the
reader with just enough words to establish trust with me, and get them

As you've guessed by now, selling big is not a mechanical process. It will
always be either based on relationships or price.

Price can be a problem because there's always someone else with a
cheaper version. Thankfully that doesn't apply with the Silver Lotto System
- there's no better product at its price point.

So, build that relationship. If your list is positive towards you, even use
this $80k letter word-for-word and send it to them.

You could be very surprised at the results! And don't forget to put in your
ClickBank link.

Sell Well!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
Lotto Affiliate Center:

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