Subject: LOTTO-AFFILIATE-NEWS--Succcess Stories And More Selling Tips

You're getting this Silver Seller afffiliate newsletter because
you bought from me (thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all past
issues on my blog at Enjoy!

Afffiliates continue to make constant and growing in.comes from
selling the Silver Lotto System (35 commissionable products).

Here's a few success stories to get you going:

- The Silver Lotto System is currently 30,336 in ranking
popularity at - improved from 34,000 last month. This
is despite only having 33 inbound links. And I query this link
figure because a week ago I searched for the term "What's
stopping you from winning the lottery right now?" (in quotes)
which is a heading in one of my prewritten sales letters. Google
shows 3,530 results - all inbound links. Add to that the
thousands of blog comments and posts, and this figure of 33 is
pathetically low by anyone's standard.

- Afffiliate sales are rising. A small group made $ 21,000 in
commmissions (this is the amount they received in their bank
account) earlier this year.

- Of that $ 21,000 commmission, a single affiliate made over $
10,000 in a 4 day period. I'm not going to reveal how they did
it, but you can be assured there were no secret methods. It was a
standard mail-out to a responsive audience. One of the beauties
of the Silver Lotto System website is that it is always current - I have
July's winnning tickets on display there now - and appealing with
plenty of graphics and follow-up facts.

- While I can't give away my detailed figures, the conversion
rate for the Silver Lotto System is higher than most products of
its type. It has been as high as 23% in one day, based on the
several hundred opt-ins we get each day for my newsletter.

Here's some ideas on how to improve your own commmissions:

#1. If you have a mailing list, use the prewritten sales letters
at They are
proven to work and you don't have write a word yourself.

#2. Mail your list frequently using some of the testimonialls at
my main site: Testimonies are a
powerful drawcard and you can easily use several for any time of
the year. Also use these in a sidebar in your ezine so you can
place them every issue. Remember - it takes many exposures to
catch your audience because they may not always be receptive to
you. They may get interrupted while reading, they may not believe
the testimonialls, they may have 'word-blindness' to certain ads.
But with constant exposure you WILL catch them at a time when
they are responsive. I resisted a flashing ad for several years
until curiosity made me click on it yesterday. Can you imagine
many of your readers resisting for that amount of time? They do.
But persistence pays!

#3. If you don't have a mailing list, write articles. There are
several posts in my Silver Seller blog on how to do this, and one
that shows most of the process is here:

Remember, to get top results as an afffiliate you need to do
- Volume
- Frequency.

Write and post a lot, and do it often. There is no secret formula
other than spreading the word (with your afffiliate link) as far
afield as you can, as frequently as you can.

I have written daily newsletters for many years before the big
boys in internett marketting started doing the same. Frank Kern,
Ryan Deiss and others now put out daily emails, but a year or two
back they did very little. If the masters of the art of selling
follow my example, you should copy them too. It is the same as
writing articles - you get an accumulated growth pattern with
each one as the readership climbs over time.

PS. If some of my spelling looks strange, it's because these
words are sp*m triggers and so I alter them to (maybe) fool the

Happy selling!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profitt Since 1991"
Lotto Afffiliate Center:

If you want to make an excellent living reselling my products,
see my Lotto Afffiliate Center at Recently I increased the
selling commission rate to 75%, and it's now one of the best
rates available for these kinds of products.

Copyright ©2011 Ken Silver
All Rights Reserved. If you would like to be removed from this
mailing list, please click the link below. If you purchase
anything through a link in this email, you should assume that I
may be paid in some way.