Subject: LOTTO-AFFILIATE-NEWS--Some Profit-Appealing Numbers For You

You're getting this Silver Seller afffiliate newsletter because
you bought from me (thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all past
issues on my blog at Enjoy!

Before I talk numbers, here's some news about my Silver Sites at As you may know I've put a few
sites up there for sale in the last month or two, and they've all
sold faster than greased lightning.

If you bought one, keep reading.

I also had an official Powerball site and my Banned Food Diet
site for sale there too.

But I've now taken these two down.


They were too cheap. At $15,000 and $7,500 respectively they were
an absolute bargain, based on current traffic and sales.

And these advantages are likely to grow like Topsy as the months
roll by.

So why did I put them up for sale in the first place?

Well, when someone sells a site they do it for a several reasons.
First, perhaps the site is not making munney. And second, possibly
there's no future prospects for it. And third, maybe the owner
wants a lump sum out immediately.

But my sites weren't up there for any of those reasons... I just
wanted to concentrate on other parts of my bizness, and
maintaining these sites were a bother at the time.

But now they're not. It only took a month or two to go by, and
already - without any work or effort on my part - sales are
rising and the future looks better than a hog dipped in butter!

So when that happens - it would be silly to sell.

And I'm so confident that they will continue to grow massive
pr.ofits, that I now want them all to myself!

So, sorry to anyone who had been thinking about buying them -
you had a couple of months, but your oppportunity is long gone.

But if you bought any of the other Silver Sites, then you've made
a great choice!

Your future is just going to snowball... to get better and
better, because the potential for lottery products is simply

And it's growing daily... see the next section about numbers.

If you're not getting the most out of your sites, just remember
shortly I'll be finishing the Lotto Code which will give you even
more of an advantage... which translates into more sales.

Next stop, world domination! :)

Let's throw a few numbers around, and talk about how you can
benefit from them...

1. Our rank is slowly increasing. From 187,000 a month
or two back, we're now at 66,450 global ranking overall when I
looked a couple of minutes ago, and 22,340 in USA.

And 1,465 in Sri Lanka, if you're interested!

That global goal is getting encouragingly closer to the 10,000
target I've set myself for the end of the year.

In case you don't know what does, it 'counts' the
number of visitors to my site through a specially installed
optional menu bar on everyone's browser.

Now, since a lot of folk don't have that bar installed, this
means the traffic we're getting is actually much bigger than what
is shown.

Doesn't matter. This current figure means traffic to our site is
growing daily, and it sure translates into profit if you're an

Because the more visitors, the more oppportunities for you.

Remember, your ClickBank cookie (the nice one!) stays up for 60
days. So the more visitors you can get back to your afffiliate
link, the more s.ales you potentially get.

2. Let's move on to key.words.

And you'll be surprised to know I've discovered there's quite a
difference for key.word results between the big boy search
engines, Google and Bing.

Google has only registered 144,000 sites for the exact match
"silver lotto" - but here's something that will blow your socks
off - has 31,100,000.

Yes, that's 31 milllion sites with the exact term "silver lotto"
in them, for Bing.

So I went searching through these Bing sites, and in every case
page after page shows my product. Of course, I didn't do the full
31 mill, but enough to see that we feature on every site

OK, what does this mean for you?

The first step is that with such a large online presence, we're
not going away soon.

So whatever long term effort you put into my products will be
rewarded many times.

It also means that if you were a PPC addict - you might know
you can't advertise lottery products on Google - so Bing is
going to be better for you.

And these great organic results means trafffic for!

Add to that the growing dissatisfaction with the way Google is
treating their PPC advertisers right now, and you have a recipe for

As always, let me know if you want more info on any of this. I want
to help you can break a few sales records this month!

Visit the Lotto Afffiliate Center here:

Happy selling!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
Lotto Affiliate Center:

Copyright ©2010 Ken Silver
All Rights Reserved. If you would like to be removed from this
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anything through a link in this email, you should assume that I
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