Subject: LOTTO AFFILIATE NEWS - New Membership Site Is Crushing It! Are You In?

You're getting this Afffiliate newsletter because you subscribed and want
to make a for-tune selling our 80+ products. Enjoy!

Hi, Ken Silver here with some more affiliate news...

If you got my last newsletter you'll know that I launched a members-only
site this week. It means the Silver Lotto System and my other products can
only be bought through a paid membership on this site.

And it's going great!

Now, this is good for you for several reasons:

- It reduces piracy because the System is not an ebook that can be shared
around. This means fewer lost sales of yours to pirates.

- Because it is now a website means it is easier for members to view. No
more wasteful looking for pages in an index - they can now go straight to a
tab. This means less confusion which leads to less refunds. Again, all good
for your affiliate business!

- The site can be read on any computer or mobile device and doesn't need
Adobe Reader for PDF files. More accessibility happiness means less


The membership is the biggest change I've made for many years, and already
it is proving to be a great hit with new buyers.

Sales are up by 65-70% too from a small booster section on the Silver Lotto
order form. That's even though I haven't promoted it hard and there have
been only a few affiliates working it.

Just imagine what you could do if you got enthusiastic about it to your

The best part of the Silver Lotto Membership Site is that all product are
accessible while members are on site. No more links to distract them away!

They see the obvious use of LottoPredict or PROfiles, and they can buy
instantly while they are there.


A warning - Google doesn't really like affiliate promotions for lottery
products, so you'll have trouble getting PPC ads approved by them.

It's not just us, there are thousands of brands round the world which are
not getting accepted by Google's ad dept for the reason that the Big G is
trying to upmarket their audience. They want to provide a 'better
experience' is how they put it.

Well, there's nothing wrong with the best lottery system in the world. Just
that you can't promote it through G's paid ads.

SEO is no problem of course, and you can still keep optimising your pages
for top results.

Do this...

Instead of ads, use your lists, websites, blogs, Fbook, Twtter, forum
posts, comment box, articles and other social media to get the word out.


Don't forget to always put an affiliate link under your signature in EVERY
piece of correspondence you send out, whether it's an email, forum post or
comment... you'll be surprised where your sales come from!


We now have over 80 products available for you to promote and get
commission on... probably the largest number in the lottery field.

And as I mentioned in the last Affiliate Newsletter, you can get up to $137
commission per customer, and more.

One product - the PROfiles custom profiles - gets you $60 in a single
commission with my usual generous 75% rate of course.

This is the biggest sales product for commission I've ever released, so it
can be very profitable for you.


How are you promoting our products? Bear in mind that with some target
markets you'll get very good results, and in others the response will be .1%
or less. And no-one knows which works until they try it.

Don't give up either - once you get your prospects onto our database, I
then do the selling for you. It may take a few weeks, but we always persist
for you!

Keep concentrating on sending prospects through your ClickBank link and
I'll do the rest.

Sell Well!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
Silver Lotto System:
Lotto Affiliate Center:

Copyright ©2013 Ken Silver
All Rights Reserved. If you would like to be removed from this mailing
list, please click the link below. If you purchase anything through a link
in this email, you should assume that I may be paid in some way.