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I regularly check our rank.

If you didn't know, Alexa tells you things about any website... visitors, page views, time on site and more.

Alexa works by getting people to put a toolbar on their browser to get information on browser visits.

It's not a big thing with me, because it's skewed towards the technical market - not the average guy buying a lottery product.

Since it's a tool for techies, those kind of websites will show more accurately. The rest are really just an educated guess.

But when I looked for one of the more important features this afternoon for, I found we had moved up in traffic ranking to 180,967.

While it seems quite low, compare our position to the number of websites in the world. There are about a quarter billion, according to some guesses.

That puts us in the top .0002%.

What is interesting about our position is that we're on the move from about 218,000 just 3 months ago. And that's a BIG increase!

More traffic means more sales - the two are intertwined.

Now it's my aim to get us into the top 100,000 of most visited sites. Based on traffic from other sites at this position, probably doubling our visitors will do it.

That means everything else will double too - including sales and your commissions.

Are you ready for that! (Bet you are :)

You can increase your own traffic hugely by re-writing my articles. Spend just a few minutes a day, it's easy work.

Take a look:

Happy selling!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
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