Subject: LOTTO AFFILIATE NEWS--I've Raised Your Commission Rate

You're getting this Affiliate newsletter because you subscribed and want to
make a fortune selling my products. Enjoy!


You can never have enough good products to sell, and my Banned Food Diet is
perfect for you to add to your signature.

Better still, I have increased your commission on this ebook from 60% to
now 75%, as from today.

That means $26 in your pocket for every sale!

Here's 5 quick reasons why you should promote the heck out of this book:

#1 - I wrote it! And I don't write rubbish. It works.

#2 - Refunds are almost non-existent. I can't remember when I last got a
refund request.

#3 - It's not BS stuff grabbed from other sources. I used the same
principles as I used in the Silver Lotto System... taking AWAY the bad food
combos and leaving the good. Proof? A couple of years later I'm STILL at my
optimum minimum weight!

#4 - The Banned Food Diet is scarily simple to use. You must know this fact
if you've read it (and I hope you did buy a copy, because knowing about it
is the best way to sell it):

#5 - There is HUGE worldwide demand, no matter how many other diets
are out there. If it works, you have an enormous audience. And mine does,
without a doubt.

Look, the two products I endorse... the Silver Lotto System and my Banned
Food Diet - are evergreen products.

That means the target market is huge and you'll never run out of buyers.

All you have to do is let people know about them, without spamming.

Use your lists, websites, blogs, Fcebook, Twtter, forum posts, comment box,
articles and other social media to get the word out.

Don't forget to always put an affiliate link under your signature in EVERY
piece of correspondence you send out, whether it's an email, forum post or

Here's the affiliate site:

And you already know about the Silver Lotto System:

Watch out for the next issue of Lotto Affiliate News.

I'm going to give you the exact email that one of my affiliate partners
sent out - that sold over $80k of the Silver Lotto System, and put $60k in
his pocket.

In a short 2 weeks!

Sell Well!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"

Copyright ©2013 Ken Silver
All Rights Reserved. If you would like to be removed from this mailing
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