Subject: LOTTO AFFILIATE NEWS--How This Simple Scroll Box Ramped Up Sales By 15% Minimum

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If you use a selling website, this will fascinate you.

I've just bought a program which has increased my sales by about 15%. More
on that figure in a minute.

Here's how it works:

You know the story about the diving boards, right?

Two boards at a pool, but one has a queue of people waiting. The other
board never gets used.

That's a simple example of social proof... the more you see people using an
item, the more popular it becomes.

Same thing every time Apple brings out a new product. The well publicized
queue stretches round the block - everyone wants one and seeing the queue
reinforces their need.

Well, a couple of guys discovered this concept also works for selling on
the net.

It's very simple.

A continuous scrolling list of recent customers, updated often.

That's all.

But it cleverly promotes the fact that people are buying from you, and it
shows undisputed social proof with a list of buyer names.

Sure, anyone can put up a list of scrolling names. I did it before I
discovered this program.

But the secret is that it's connected to ClickBank, and updated
automatically. So if prospects were to return to the scroll box the next
day, they'd see new names on it.

The names are first name, initial surname and country only, so there's no
problem with privacy issues.

And I consider it one of the most effective motivators on my order page
right now.

Because I haven't included this program in my split testing, I can't tie
the sales increase down exactly with so much else going on.

But in the few days I've had it up so far, I'm seeing a minimum of 15%
sales increase that I can directly attribute to the program. It's probably
a lot more.

Now, while 15% doesn't seem a lot, on large numbers of daily sales it adds
a lot of profit to the bottom line.

To see it in action, go to my sales page:

Go down to the scrolling box order form, and take a look.

Find out more by clicking on the name at the bottom of the
scroll box in the line: "Data provided by..."

And let me know what you think!

Sell Well!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
Lotto Affiliate Center:

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