Subject: LOTTO AFFILIATE NEWS--Do You Need A Kick In The Pants?

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Hey, what are your goals?

Are you content to make enough to supplement your job?

Or are you ambitious... do you want to shoot for the moon?

To get started on a roll, sometimes you need a kick in the pants - like I got a week back.

Because back then I came across a we-ightloss website that in 2008 had sales of $21 milllion.

Not traffic. Not hits.

But a verified dollar amount of $21 milllion sales through ClickBank - the same merchant company you and I use.

I figure that gave them about $5-6 milllion in profit. For a website and product that probably only cost $200 to make.

Here's where this information kicked me in the butt...

- Their website was nothing special... it was ordinary to the point of blandness.
- They relied entirely on affiliate traffic built up through 1000's of articles (see on how to do that for yourself).
- They had one payment

And the clincher... their site was in the same market as mine - and had these same essentials for massive sales potential:

- Desperate buyers
- Evergreen product
- Vast market

My lottery products have a big advantage though.

Because the Silver Lotto System is unique. There's no real competition against them - unlike the thousands of assorted we-ightloss products and fads. You could spend years and countless dollars trying to capture the we-ight crowd, and lose.

But there are almost no other lottery systems that work as well as mine. It's the perfect product.

And my marketing is so good that I get an unheard of 4% conversions from visitors. The we-ightloss product gets only half that - just 2%.

If this information hasn't given you a kick in your enthusiasm by now, I don't know what will.

Go now to the Lotto Affiliate Center ( and get started!

Happy selling!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
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