Subject: LOTTO AFFILIATE NEWS--Biggest Commission News In Years!

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(thanks!), or subscribed. Enjoy!

Today I launched a new site and whole new concept for the Silver Lotto

The Silver Lotto System won't be available as an ebook any longer, but it
is now part of a membership site. My other products are all available there
as well.

This new way of selling my System will increase buyer retention and reduce

But you'll be more interested in this...


I have increased the number of Silver Lotto products you get commission on.

In a first for us, your sales now includes all my $88 PRO custom products.
There are 35 of these, and more are getting added each month.

Here's the breakdown (commission cents not included) on what you earn
with your 75% commission:

1. Silver Lotto System $39.95 - your commission $27 each.

2. Custom Profiles (47 products) $37.00 - your commission $25 each.

3. PRO Custom Profiles (35 products) $88.00 - your commission $60 each.

So there's now over 80 products with commissions ranging from $25 to $60.

With all these commissions added up, you get the potential of $135
commission and more per buyer.

I've found that up to half of all basic System buyers will also buy one or
more of these extra products. And about 20% of buyers will purchase two or
more PRO Custom Profiles.

This means BIG increases in sales and commissions for you!


In another first, I've also introduced a recurring payment commission for
LottoPredict (formerly Lotto-80).

Buyers need a LottoPredict subscription to effectively use any of the
Silver Lotto products, so it's a locked-in opportunity for you.

This $33 LottoPredict recurring charge brings you $22.30 per sale every
three months.

What do you need to do?

Well, good news - your ClickBank account nickname "kensilver" stays the
same. All the added products are under that account name.

You don't have to change anything, just promote the Silver Lotto System

How To Start: Commissionable products are only available inside the Silver
Lotto Membership Site. For a short time the PRO and LottoPredict will still
be available outside the member site over the changeover period. So you
should promote the Silver Lotto System first to get your buyers funnelled
to the member site:

Free Membership: If you have made 10 sales or more in the last three months
and own a Silver Lotto System, I'll give you free unlimited membership so
you can see what you're recommending to your list. Just email me here with
your ClickBank affiliate nickname and I'll give you the login details.

It's now time to ramp up your business to sell more because the rewards are
massive, and paid out promptly as always by reliable ClickBank!

Hundreds of millions of lottery players have yet to experience the Silver
Lotto benefit.

And your profits can be enormous.

Let me know what I can do to help you sell more.

Email me here, but let's get going!

Ken Silver
Head Silverite
Silver Lotto System
Lotto Affiliate Center:

Silver Lotto System:

ABOUT ME: Ken Silver

I'm one of the early e-commerce adopters, selling my ebooks online since
1995 and helping others achieve success through my top-selling Silver Lotto
System, a unique program which I developed in 1991. There are hundreds of
testimonials on my websites which prove that anyone can win a lottery prize
in almost every game using my systems.

I've also written several top-selling ebooks in other markets, including
the million-seller "eBook Secrets."

Copyright ©2013 Ken Silver
All Rights Reserved. If you would like to be removed from this mailing
list, please click the link below. If you purchase anything through a link
in this email, you should assume that I may be paid in some way.