Subject: LOTTO AFFILIATE NEWS--Are You Missing The Opportunity Of A Lifetime With The $22M Win?

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Hi Silver Sellers!

Since my announcement of the $22 Million winner a couple of days ago, sales
of the Silver Lotto System have doubled.


But that's not enough. I can get twice the number of sales easily just by
doubling my newsletter output. So the increase should really be 10 or 100
times better for me to get excited for you.

Why wouldn't you want to increase your commission 100 times!

So are you doing enough?

Have you followed my suggestions in the last Affiliate newsletter to start
ramping up your sales? (If you missed it, see it in the Affiliate section
of the Silver Lotto Membership Site).

Here's why it's important to start now...

At the moment the Silver Lotto System website shows a big banner
for the win, displaying the winner's email and other details.

As the days go further away from the win date, this banner will start to
lose its power.

So it is vitally important to move now... to strike while the iron is hot.

One of the many ways to do this is by making posts in lottery forums.

And one of the best ways is to rebut negative comments about the Silver
Lotto System. There are a few of those, written by people who haven't used
the System correctly and therefore criticise it without much thought.

They are the perfect opportunity to get in with a post along the lines of:
"Hey, that's all very well, but did you know that a guy won $22 million
with this System this week? And there's other million dollar wins too by
this method, so it's not a one-off."

The more posts we get, the more interest in the System.

Several pointers to make your replies effective:
1. Use your own words.
2. Obey the forum rules. If they tell you no signature, use my name instead
of the System URL and make sure your affiliate link is embedded.
3. Don't defend, just explain. A war of words helps no-one.
4. Keep the post active long-term by not replying immediately. Delay a day
or two before getting back to responding to others who may reply to
your post.
5. Remain uninvolved... don't come across as an obvious affiliate. Make
yourself one of the crowd.

Where do you find these forums?

Easy. Google my name, or the System name, and maybe include 'scam' and
related words to bring up a number of areas you can reply to.

Sell Well!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
Lotto Affiliate Center:

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