Subject: LOTTO-AFFILIATE-NEWS--$10,000 In 5 Days!

You're getting this Silver Seller afffiliate newsletter because
you bought from me (thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all past
issues on my blog at Enjoy!

In 5 days during the last week, a top-selling Silver Seller
(affiliate) has made almost $10,000 from sales of the Silver
Lotto System.

That's in his or her pocket - to spend on a vacation, buy a second car,
a jetski, hire a jet or helicopter for 5 hours.

There's a lot you could spend 10 grand on.

Now, that's what most people receive working for wages for a
grueling 8 hours a day over a long 4 months.

And yet this sales record was achieved with just a few hours of

I'm not going to reveal how it was done - I keep all my affiliate
sales methods confidential to protect their interests - but you
can bet they did it using some of the methods outlined at the Lotto
Affiliate Center.

But I will reveal this...

We can all achieve the same - except... we seriously
underestimate ourselves most of the time.

We give up too soon, too early, and for too little.

Sometimes we need to see spectacular results like this to stretch
our boundaries.

Now, I have my own goals to share with you, and they are not

Many of them are practical... quality improvement and customer
satisfaction goals.

But there is a single, overrriding quest that motivates me...

Simply this: sales of a Milllion Dollars a Month.

It's a factor increase on our current sales of just 12 times.

And it's entirely possible.

Not only do we have a desperate worldwide audience for achieving
it, but there are similarly-priced products to the Silver Lotto
System out there that do it already.

Mike Geary from appears to be on track for $10
milllion this year.

And of course the all-time great - - did $21
milllion last year.

And these guys don't even have a large back-end like the Silver
Lotto System!

Before you go running off to change horses, consider this - these
two other products are swamped niches... they have a handful of
powerful affiliates who took time and skill to reach their
targets, and it will be difficult to squeeze in against such
fierce competition.

That's why my Silver Lotto System is perfect for you, today.

It is a quiet underachiever, ready to go global in a big way.

And it has has a solid history of success you can build on. No
pie-in-the-sky stuff that is impossible to sell.


And this year I have expanded a number of strategies to get my
system selling even more strongly.

(There's more to come too, but that's news for another

The point is, at a million-a-month, my top selling affiliates -
you! - will earn $750,000 a month when we reach our goals.

That amount is worth spending some serious time on, isn't it?

Over the next few newsletters I'm going to be outlining ways you
can do this, but first I want to introduce the most important
factor to get you started right now.

It's taking on board a winning concept of just 3 words.

I use it, and it has brought me ahead of many others in my quest
for increased sales.

In fact, these words are so important that I have even registered
them as a domain name for the concept.

The concept, a motivational statement, is not original, nor
pretty - it's even a bit draconian... but it is what I use, and
what we need to succeed.

We need to take:

This is the command we'll use to succeed in the next 12-24 months
and reach the Million-A-Month goal.

Let's separate the words out...


We must be Relentless in our pursuit of the goal:
- Forget watching tv... use that couple of hours a day to email
more contacts, write more articles.
- Do you have a social lunch? Not any more. You need that hour
each day to email prospects while you eat.
- Running out of time? Get up a couple of hours earlier and use
that quiet time to become most productive.

We must be Focused. Two important questions you should ask
1. Is what I'm doing right now helping me achieve my goal?
2. Is what I'm doing right now the highest and best use of my
time to achieve my goal?

And finally:

Take Action.
- Stop eternally planning, and DO the things that matter now.
- Forget striving for perfection... you will never achieve it.
Take action on what you have around you right now, and build on
- Take mistakes on the chin and use your failures to spur you on
to better results. Learn quickly from failure... and take action
to improve faster.

Look, it's absolutely essential you use all three words in the

Each one is necessary to support the other.


What's your first step?

Here's a surprise...

Don't set a monetary goal. That won't help right now. (However
you'll be setting it a little further on).

Right now you need to get down to the basics.

Your first step is to visit the Lotto Affiliate Center and choose
the best method for your strategy.

You'll be looking for the 3-star sections there and choosing one
that appeals to you.

It has got to appeal, because if it's hard going you won't be
inclined to follow through.

Choose your section and start work on it right now.

Email me for problems or advice - I'm here to help you achieve
your goal so that I can achieve mine!

It's a win-win deal!

Start now:

And don't forget:

Happy selling!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
Lotto Affiliate Center:


My Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since
1991, and on Special today:

Custom Profiles: Don't want to fill out your Silver Lotto System
yourself? I'll do them for you:

My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System: Gets you the best advantage
every game with an easy red and green light play indicator:

Silver Lotto PRO System: A tri-combination of the Silver Lotto
System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles that shoots the expected
winning percentage to an amazing 99%:

My PowerSpread System: Specialized Silver Lotto System for USA
and Australian Powerball:

ABOUT ME: Ken Silver

I'm one of the early e-commerce adopters, selling my ebooks
online since 1995 and helping others achieve success through my
top-selling Silver Lotto System, a unique program which I
developed in 1991. There are hundreds of testimonials on my
websites which prove that anyone can win a lottery prize in
almost every game using my systems.

I've also written several top-selling ebooks in other markets,
including the million-seller "eBook Secrets."

If you want to make an excellent living reselling my products,
see my Lotto Afffiliate Center at Recently I increased the
selling commission rate to 75%, and it's now one of the best
rates available for these kinds of products.

Copyright ©2010 Ken Silver
All Rights Reserved. If you would like to be removed from this
mailing list, please click the link below. If you purchase
anything through a link in this email, you should assume that I
may be paid in some way.