Subject: L0TT0-TIPS #46--Friend, how to win your Games.

Welcome back, Friend. You signed up to this newsletter as If you want to be one of the 3 subscribers each issue to win a free Honest Lotto System (or get your money back if you bought it already), stay subscribed... ... or see the easy unsubscribe instructions at the bottom. To contact me personally, just go to In This Issue: 1) WIN YOUR GAMES 2) MONEYMAKING HOT INFO 3) ANOTHER TIP: 4) TINY URL FOR BIG RESULTS Hi Friend, The brand-new and upcoming LOTTO-80 system is progressing nicely. The final testing stage is on track. It won't be long before you will be able to use this amazing low-cost resource to improve your lotto play using the Honest Lotto System. Have I mentioned you'll need the Honest Lotto System to use it? Oh yes, I did. No matter. Move quickly. If you don't have my lotto manual already, buy the Honest Lotto System here now: That means you'll have a few days up your sleeve to get it working and ready to use along with the Lotto-80 system when it launches in a few days. 1) WIN YOUR GAMES I have a secret to share with you today. It's the one thing I consider is the BIGGEST factor in using my system to help you win. Let me explain... Over the last few days my wife has been watching the reviews of the best of the Olympic Games on our giant flatscreen plasma television. It has a picture so realistic it's almost like being there. Now, even with a quality screen, I'm not really a spectator by nature. If I have a choice of sitting watching tv for an afternoon - or going out and actively doing something constructive - I'll get outside. There's nothing wrong with watching tv of course. In my home office I have a 17" flatscreen TV right by my computer screens. It's set permanently to CNN and a couple of other news channels... I like to keep up with the news and world events. But this time I was keeping my wife company during one of the more interesting Olympic events (the javelin throwing actually... I was waiting to see if any of the marshals on the field get speared!) And I got to wondering about the success habits of the Olympic winners in each event. What sets them apart from the also-rans? Just a couple of days earlier I had been reading all about the work ethics of several Gold winning Olympians. And one thing stood out for me at that moment. It was a Secret Skill that all winners possess. Most losers don't have it. In fact, about 99% of all players lack this special secret skill. That's why they don’t get to the Olympics. And why they don't win at Lotto - even when they own the best system on the planet (yes - mine!) I see the lack of this secret ingredient almost everywhere I go. From friends with enormous talents to people with problems - this lack of special skill is the one thing that stops them from winning, from succeeding. What is this secret? Persistence! Yes, spelling it out - P E R S I S T E N C E. I'll tell you why in a minute... One other useful trait you should have in this life is a clear focus. With focus, you can narrow down all the options to the ones that fit and suit you. Each of us has a talent that no-one else possesses... and it's up to us to stick with that skill and use it in a carefully directed way. Fortunately the Honest Lotto System gives you a focus, almost automatically. Without fuss. By giving you the secret formula, you're ready to take advantage of the wins as they arrive. That's how this system makes you deadly focussed. Like a mongoose staring down a snake for hours at a time, waiting for it to succumb, then finally pouncing. So, ... once you're armed with Focus and the Honest Lotto System, you need Persistence to stay in the game. In this case, your focus should be on the weekly lotto numbers. All those balls jiggling round in that big tub, waiting to pop out and make you’re a zillionaire. Then you persist in playing until you own those numbers. It didn't happen this week? Too bad. But unlike millions of others who have lost, you don't throw your tickets into the top drawer and give up. No sir, you're going to keep on working away at the next game, persistently, just as the tortoise did in the race with the hare. Persistence is the singlemost habit you should cultivate. Olympic winners have it, and look where it gets them! See you at the top! 2) MONEYMAKING HOT INFO This is the third in a series of steps to get you earning a fortune with the Honest Lotto System without playing lotto! As you've read in the past issue, the process is breathtakingly simple. You just tell people about the manual, and are rewarded with a regular stream of income for doing it. To do that, you need to do this next step. You need to build up your background knowledge on affiliate selling. You need to research and look for the ways to make your ClickBank affiliate link a Rapid Selling Machine. Remember the past step you've did? You signed up for a ClickBank nickname (Issue #45). Once you had a ClickBank name, you put it in a clickable link. In the following example, if your name is John Smith, you put your name where it says "YourClickBankName" like this: so it looks like this: That means you'll get a commission from everyone who clicks on your ClickBank link and buys from the Honest Lotto System website. At US$20 each, it all mounts up to thousands of dollars a week for you, if you're good. To get good, keep reading... You'll get more information on how to use your link, and a lot of tips, at my website: Now we're going to look at ways to get that background information to catapult you to automatic profits. There's no doubt about it... the people with the right knowledge are going to win hands down over those who try a few things and give up early. Remember "PERSISTENCE". Keep reading and learning, and playing lotto. It will pay off sooner than you expect. Here's some links I recommend. You can - and should - buy as many books as you can afford. It’s the only way you're going to get the information you need to start off quickly and make a go of it. I am an affiliate for some of these products, but I'll only sell those I think will give you value. I have no interest in selling you rubbish. I make enough money from other sales... I don’t need it. I'm only interested in getting you going on the road to profit as quickly as possible: A forum that gives you a good background in affiliate matters. They welcome beginners too. A privately owned ClickBank forum co-hosted by Harvey Segal who also puts out The ClickBank Guide: It contains a lot of related tips and guides. Much of the information is free. Allan Gardyne has been earning a good living from affiliate programs since 1998. There's a mass of material on this site. See also to start off with. Phil Wiley's Mini Site Profits ebook. I know it's good because I was a chapter contributor some years back. Written to be read easily... a masterpiece you should have now. Over the years marketer Jim Straw has sold over two hundred & fifty million dollar's worth of products and services to over 700,000 customer worldwide. This book is great for growing your affiliate business quickly. Buy it! How to make real cash with Google AdWords - and without a website. This book is one of the best around. It's written simply and is effective. You'll need it in your library. There's many more I'll be discussing in the newsletters ahead. 3) ANOTHER TIP: Did you notice anything about the last three links? They don't resemble anything like the URL should for the products. Here's why... I'm an affiliate for these products as I mentioned earlier. If you buy one (or all of them!) I'll get a commission. You win by obtaining little-known trade secrets, I win with a commission, and the author is happiest of all. Now, let's say my name is Jane Smith, and that's my ClickBank nickname too. Here's what it looks like in a ClickBank affiliate link: See how easy it would be for an unscrupulous person to swap Jane Smith's name... to type in their own registered ClickBank name and get the commission from it? So to avoid this happening to you... 4) TINY URL FOR BIG RESULTS ... take a look at It's a free service. All you do is paste your long affiliate link into the box, press the button and out pops a smaller URL that can't be fiddled with. It effectively disguises your ClickBank nickname and the link so others can't take advantage of you. Nifty! Next issue we'll talk more about getting those extra dollars flowing. Remember - persistence pays! Why not share this Lotto-Tips with friends, family and associates? Just click on "Forward" in your email menu and enter their email addresses. They'll love you for it. Warm regards, Ken Silver "Helping Lotto Players Become Winners" Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991 Contact me: Want to read back copies of the LOTTO-TIPS newsletter or sign up? Rush now to: Buy my top-selling Lotto System. Check out my amazing 80.3% winning success rate here: See real people winning with the Honest Lotto System: Earn US$20 each time someone buys my Honest Lotto System. (Ka-ching! Another sale while you snooze or go on vacation!) Discover & play the top free Online Lotteries. You'll only find them with this Guide: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MORE INSTANT HELP ~Do you need numbers or information for a Lotto game not included in your manual? ~For problems with your PDF files or password: ~To see the Honest Lotto System FAQ: ~How much does it cost in another currency?