Subject: Kelly's Environmental News

Kelly's Environmental News

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It is not new news that drinking tap water is not good for you this day in age really anywhere but especially in Florida who currently ranks number three in the nation for the worst water, but is bottled water a safer alternative? Let's take a look at the facts surrounding bottled water and you decide for yourself.....

When it comes to staying healthy most of us know that drinking enough water every day is the key. It's one of the best things you can put into your body for more energy, less fatigue, brain function, and weight control...however, based on a new report from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that all depends on what kind of water you're drinking. The agency issued a warning back in March and announced the recall of Real Water bottled alkaline water which has been potentially linked to non-viral hepatitis, a liver disease that causes inflammation. This is just one of many issues we face when choosing bottled water. Most bottled water is just bottled tap water but undergoes less regulation than tap water.

What's in the water is a concern but the plastic it is bottled in adds another layer of concern that is very disturbing. BPA, a component often found in plastic is a hormone disruptor that can have a wide range of impacts on our bodies including hormone imbalance, toxicity, inflammation, and even cancer. BPA isn't even the only component of plastic that is potentially dangerous-there are dozens of other chemicals that can adverse effects on the body, endocrine system, and other organs. Bottles labeled BPA-fee give us a false sense of security that we are safe from the hormone-disrupting problems. However, any form of plastic will likely also contain BPS, a chemical similar to BPA but hasn't yet received as much publicity, not to mention many other chemicals. Research points to five areas where plastic exposure can significantly impact our health.

1. Hormone Disruption and Fertility

Hormones are the most critical component of fertility in both men and women. Plastics are known hormone disruptors that can send mixed signals causing some reproductive to be produced excessively and leading to deficiencies in others. Both men and women are susceptible to this and the excess estrogens can be the culprit in reducing the ability to conceive.

2. Placental, Fetal, Infant, and Pre-Pubescent Development

While endocrine disruptors can significantly alter the ability to conceive, many are able to get pregnant and have children in spite of the presence of these chemical hormones but not necessarily without an impact. Fetal development in utero, along with the critical early years of a child's life can be dramatically altered by the communication from these hormone messengers. Boys seem to be at a higher risk for severe alterations before and during puberty, and while testicular development itself doesn't rely on hormones, every other aspect of male puberty and subsequent fertility and reproductive ability does. The World Health Organization has determined that plastics and endocrine disruptors are a worldwide problem that isn't being addressed as seriously as it should be. Plastic bottles may seem convenient, especially for children since they don't break but are it really worth it? Glass and heavy stainless steel bottles are the best way to protect yourself and loved ones from these potential life-altering concerns of plastic. 

3. Toxicity Burden

BPA and other plastic toxins have been found in blood and urine widely circulating throughout the body. This toxicity burden accumulates over the years and can impact all organs and body systems but the liver is the primary detox organ that filters the blood and the kidneys filter the urine. Toxicity from water bottles can damage your liver and other organs. When you drink a beverage from a plastic bottle you are also drinking what it is made of.

4. Weight Gain and Fatty Tissue Storage

Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in recent decades and even the obesity rate in children under 19 has tripled in the last 50 years. The constant exposure to plastics today is having an impact on total body weight too since the estrogenic nature of these chemicals can directly influence the rate that fat is stored and what is stored there including toxins from environmental exposures.

5. Cancer

Cancer impacts men and women, young and old as well as various organs, tissues, and cells. Researchers continue to report that the increase in estrogenic chemicals like BPA and other plastic materials has contributed not only to breast cancers but testicular ad prostate cancer. 

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The Bottom Line
Chemicals found in plastic water bottles and other sources of plastics can have a significant impact on hormone communication, cellular health, and specific organs and body systems that can begin before birth and continue impacting future health for the rest of the person's life, including future offspring.

There's a little about the health impact but what about our Mother Earth?

It's no secret that extreme waste buildup is happening on our planet. The bottled water industry continues to grow rapidly with people drinking 10.9 billion gallons per year. Approximately 38 billion water bottles go into landfills in one year alone since only a little over 20 percent of plastic bottles are recycled, this amount of waste from the beverage industry alone will have serious long-term consequences for our planet if we don't make drastic changes to our daily habits. 

Research points to lack of confidence in the public water supply as the primary reason that people consume bottled water so wouldn't it make sense to deal with the problem that starts right at home. There are various types of filters ranging from the whole house to sink filters that can provide clean, chemical, and contaminant-free drinking water to your family while saving the environment from the endless plastics that are consuming it. ing water to your family while saving the environment from the endless plastics that are consuming it.

Please Share and Spread the Word

Share this newsletter with a friend, family member, or neighbor to bring light to a very serious issue surrounding our health and our mother earth. Thank you for joining me in my mission to spread the word on how to make our beautiful state a better place to live and build the wealth of our health one family at a time.

Schedule a free water test today with Kelly to find out what’s in your water!

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