Hi Friend, Thank you for subscribing to my monthly newsletter, sharing my passion for clean water and air brings me joy to my core and I am glad you chose to be a part of it! This month we are discussing chlorine, one of the most disturbing chemicals added to our water. Chlorine is used to keep our water clean by disinfecting it and killing germs. And it does a marvelous job at eliminating most pathogens from the water we drink. But the use of this powerful chemical has a downside. According to a report from the U.S. Council of Environmental Quality, the cancer risk for people who drink chlorinated water is up to 93% higher than for those whose water does not contain chlorine. Chlorine is a killer — yet it is pumped extravagantly into our water supply. The average person is drinking it and bathing in it — and paying the water company for the privilege to do so — even though it is unsafe. Keep reading to find out why you must remove chlorine from bathwater, not just drinking water.
A free documented report by Dr. Mercola reveals the following dangers associated with chlorine consumption and inhalation: Heart Attacks Cancer Tiredness, dizziness, and headaches Eye, sinus, and throat irritations Infertility issues Miscarriage Childhood asthma Hair cuticle issues and dandruff Rashes Headaches Arthritis Liver and kidney problems Dry skin and scalp Indoor pollution Weakened immune response And more