Subject: Kelly's Environmental News

Kelly's Environmental News

Hi Friend,

Thank you for subscribing to my monthly newsletter, sharing my passion for clean water and air brings me joy to my core and I am glad you chose to be a part of it! This month we are discussing chlorine, one of the most disturbing chemicals added to our water.

Chlorine is used to keep our water clean by disinfecting it and killing germs. And it does a marvelous job at eliminating most pathogens from the water we drink. But the use of this powerful chemical has a downside. According to a report from the U.S. Council of Environmental Quality, the cancer risk for people who drink chlorinated water is up to 93% higher than for those whose water does not contain chlorine.

Chlorine is a killer — yet it is pumped extravagantly into our water supply. The average person is drinking it and bathing in it — and paying the water company for the privilege to do so — even though it is unsafe. Keep reading to find out why you must remove chlorine from bathwater, not just drinking water.

A free documented report by Dr. Mercola reveals the following dangers associated with chlorine consumption and inhalation:

  • Heart Attacks

  • Cancer

  • Tiredness, dizziness, and headaches

  • Eye, sinus, and throat irritations

  • Infertility issues

  • Miscarriage

  • Childhood asthma

  • Hair cuticle issues and dandruff

  • Rashes

  • Headaches

  • Arthritis

  • Liver and kidney problems

  • Dry skin and scalp

  • Indoor pollution

  • Weakened immune response

  • And more

If you thought you were safe from the effects of chlorine because you filter your drinking water, you’re wrong. You must remove chlorine from bath water too!

Bathing in chlorinated water is more harmful than drinking it. The hot bath water opens the pores, allowing the chlorine to absorb through the skin. And worse, the steam inhaled from a hot chlorinated bath or shower contains a by-product of chlorine: chloroform, which is more dangerous than chlorine. Food Renegade shares the following information concerning chlorine and its by-products: 

  • “The combination of what your skin absorbs and your lungs inhale during a 10-minute shower is greater than the amount you would ingest drinking eight glasses of water from the same tap.”

  • “Inhalation is a much more harmful means of exposure since the chlorine gas (chloroform) we inhale goes directly into our bloodstream.

  • “Chlorine was used as a chemical weapon in World War II”

  • “Simply stated chlorine is a pesticide, as defined by the U.S. EPA, whose sole purpose is to kill living organisms.”

The great news is there is something you can do about this to protect you and the health of your loved ones.

Rainsoft Customers

...receive $50 for every qualified referral who let me test and educate them on their water! It's a great way to spread the word and get a bonus for it!

Rainsoft Testimonial

Kelly helped me to see the err of my ways.. and that was to keep drinking questionable water from my local water company. I am free from the terror of the frequent water bulletins about a breach in water quality. I drink my water in total confidence, shower in sweet soft water, with very little maintenance required. Sure beats that stupid little canister underneath the sink that filters nothing!  Thanks Miss Kelly for the gift of clean, pure H20!!! Jeanene Leavall-Petrone West Melbourne, FL

Rainsoft Customers

...who have 6 referrals who purchase a system will receive their own system for free! What another awesome incentive to spread the word and accomplish helping your loved ones experience the benefits of clean water in their home as well.

If you have joined the hundreds of thousands of people here in Florida who have already eliminated chlorine from your home, Congratulations! If this is new information to you I would be happy to set up an appointment to test your chlorine levels as well as educate you on ways to protect your health, home, and happiness for life!

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