Subject: Friend ❤️ New Release Box Set Romance! ❤️

Howdy Friend,

All in this exciting, heartwarming series! 

Six brave brides. Six men, each in need of a wife to walk with them through life, raise children, chase dreams, leave a legacy for the generations to come. But the West is wild even in the late 1800s, and the challenges are many.

Come and join us on this historical enthusiastic adventure and meet the girls and their hardworking handsome husband to be in the Wild West town of Bear Creek. 

Read Six Sisters For Bear Creek Complete Series for 99¢ or FREE to read on Kindle Unlimited and Limited Time & Offer!


Happy Reading & Thank you so much for being a clean and wholesome reader.

Jimmie George Cox
Six Sisters For Bear Creek Complete Series

1880 Bear Creek, Oregon

In the aftermath of their parent's deaths, 6 sisters are barely managing to make ends meet in Boston. 

Mail Order bride ads start to look like a real savor. Sister Sadie doesn’t hesitate to reply first.

But once some of the girls gets to Oregon, they discover a series of mysteries. 

That, plus the occasionally unpredictable weather, makes for an exciting if strained start to these young couple’s marriages.

Will they pass the test when Imminent danger arises that tests their faith and newfound love.­­

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